postgreSQL | ltree

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了postgreSQL | ltree前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


树状数据存储与查询(非递归) - Use ltree extension deal tree-like data type(德哥github博文)

postgresql ltree类型(推酷)



1. 安装、数据类型介绍、操作符介绍、函数介绍

安装 "ltree" 索引扩展(使用超级用户)

create extension ltree;


select * from pg_extension ;


  • ltree (目前只支持A-Z,a-z,0-9,_作为label的合法字符)


  • lquery



  • ltxtquery



Operator Returns Description
ltree @> ltree boolean is left argument an ancestor of right (or equal)?
ltree <@ ltree boolean is left argument a descendant of right (or equal)?
ltree ~ lquery boolean does ltree match lquery?
lquery ~ ltree boolean does ltree match lquery?
ltree ? lquery[] boolean does ltree match any lquery in array?
lquery[] ? ltree boolean does ltree match any lquery in array?
ltree @ ltxtquery boolean does ltree match ltxtquery?
ltxtquery @ ltree boolean does ltree match ltxtquery?
ltree || ltree ltree concatenate ltree paths
ltree || text ltree convert text to ltree and concatenate
text || ltree ltree convert text to ltree and concatenate
ltree[] @> ltree boolean does array contain an ancestor of ltree?
ltree <@ ltree[] boolean does array contain an ancestor of ltree?
ltree[] <@ ltree boolean does array contain a descendant of ltree?
ltree @> ltree[] boolean does array contain a descendant of ltree?
ltree[] ~ lquery boolean does array contain any path matching lquery?
lquery ~ ltree[] boolean does array contain any path matching lquery?
ltree[] ? lquery[] boolean does ltree array contain any path matching any lquery?
lquery[] ? ltree[] boolean does ltree array contain any path matching any lquery?
ltree[] @ ltxtquery boolean does array contain any path matching ltxtquery?
ltxtquery @ ltree[] boolean does array contain any path matching ltxtquery?
ltree[] ?@> ltree ltree first array entry that is an ancestor of ltree; NULL if none
ltree[] ?<@ ltree ltree first array entry that is a descendant of ltree; NULL if none
ltree[] ?~ lquery ltree first array entry that matches lquery; NULL if none
ltree[] ?@ ltxtquery ltree first array entry that matches ltxtquery; NULL if none


Function Return Type Description Example Result
subltree(ltree,int start,int end) ltree subpath of ltree from position start to position end-1 (counting from 0) subltree('Top.Child1.Child2',1,2) Child1
subpath(ltree,int offset,int len) ltree subpath of ltree starting at position offset,length len. If offset is negative,subpath starts that far from the end of the path. If len is negative,leaves that many labels off the end of the path. subpath('Top.Child1.Child2',2) Top.Child1
subpath(ltree,int offset) ltree subpath of ltree starting at position offset,extending to end of path. If offset is negative,subpath starts that far from the end of the path. subpath('Top.Child1.Child2',1) Child1.Child2
nlevel(ltree) integer number of labels in path nlevel('Top.Child1.Child2') 3
index(ltree a,ltree b) integer position of first occurrence of b in a; -1 if not found index('','5.6') 6
index(ltree a,ltree b,int offset) integer position of first occurrence of b in a,searching starting at offset; negative offsetmeans start -offset labels from the end of the path index('','5.6',-4) 9
text2ltree(text) ltree cast text to ltree - -
ltree2text(ltree) text cast ltree to text - -
lca(ltree,ltree,...) ltree lowest common ancestor,i.e.,longest common prefix of paths (up to 8 arguments supported) lca('','') 1.2
lca(ltree[]) ltree lowest common ancestor,longest common prefix of paths lca(array[''::ltree,'1.2.3']) 1.2

2. 样例

2.1 推酷、德哥博客都用到的


create table public.test(
id serial,song ltree not null);


  • 查询:与刘德华同一个区域(港台,男歌手)的歌手

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