create table reservation (during tsrange,EXCLUDE USING gist (during WITH &&) );
用于查找从给定日期和时间开始的时间表中的差距(2012-11-17 8:在下面的示例中)
create table pyha ( pyha date primary key)
with gaps as ( select upper(during) as start,lead(lower(during),1,upper(during)) over (ORDER BY during) - upper(during) as gap from ( select during from reservation union all values ('(,2012-11-17 8:)'::tsrange),-- given date and hour from which to find free work time ('[2012-11-17 0:,2012-11-18 24:)'::tsrange),-- exclude saturday ('[2012-11-18 0:,2012-11-19 8:)'::tsrange),-- exclude sunday ('[2012-11-19 18:,2012-11-20 8:)'::tsrange),('[2012-11-20 18:,2012-11-21 8:)'::tsrange),('[2012-11-21 18:,2012-11-22 8:)'::tsrange),('[2012-11-22 18:,2012-11-23 8:)'::tsrange),('[2012-11-23 18:,2012-11-24 24:)'::tsrange),('[2012-11-24 0:,2012-11-25 24:)'::tsrange),-- exclude saturday ('[2012-11-25 0:,2012-11-26 8:)'::tsrange) -- exclude sunday ) as x ) select * from gaps where gap > '0'::interval order by start
如果在指定的开始日期之前不是在指定的开始时间之前返回空闲时间,例如,如果开始时间是9,则不是在2012-11-19 9:00之前返回?
即使2012-11-19 8:00如果免费也应该返回2012-11-19 9:00.
只有在2012-11-19 9:00没有空闲时间,并且在接下来的工作日8:00首次免费时,它应该返回8:00.
我尝试通过将2012-11-19 9:添加到两个地方来解决这个问题,如下面的查询所示,但此查询仍然会在2012-11-19 8:00返回空闲时间.
如何解决这个问题,以便在2012-11-19 9:00返回空闲时间?
create table reservation (during tsrange,EXCLUDE USING gist (during WITH &&) ); create table pyha ( pyha date primary key); with gaps as ( select upper(during) as start,upper(during)) over (ORDER BY during) - upper(during) as gap from ( select during from reservation where upper(during)>= '2012-11-19 9:' union all values ('(,2012-11-19 9:)'::tsrange) union all select unnest(case when pyha is not null then array[tsrange(d,d + interval '1 day')] when date_part('dow',d) in (0,6) then array[tsrange(d,d + interval '1 day')] else array[tsrange(d,d + interval '8 hours'),tsrange(d + interval '18 hours',d + interval '1 day')] end) from generate_series( '2012-11-19'::timestamp without time zone,'2012-11-19'::timestamp without time zone+ interval '3 month',interval '1 day' ) as s(d) left join pyha on pyha = d::date ) as x ) select start,date_part('epoch',gap) / (60*60) as hours from gaps where gap > '0'::interval order by start
create temp table reservation ( during tsrange ) on commit drop; insert into reservation values( '[2012-11-19 11:00:00,2012-11-19 11:30:00)'::tsrange ); with gaps as ( select upper(during) as start,upper(during)) over (ORDER BY during) - upper(during) as gap from ( select during from reservation union all select unnest(case when pyha is not null then array[tsrange(d,d + interval '1 day')] when d::date = DATE'2012-11-19' then array[ tsrange(d,'2012-11-19 12:'),-- must return starting at 12:00 tsrange(d + interval '18 hours',d + interval '1 day')] end) from generate_series( DATE'2012-11-19'::timestamp without time zone,DATE'2012-11-19'::timestamp without time zone+ interval '3 month',interval '1 day' ) as s(d) left join pyha on pyha = d::date ) as x ) select start,gap) / (60*60) as tunde from gaps where gap > '0'::interval order by start
"2012-11-19 11:30:00"
"2012-11-19 12:00:00"
怎么修 ?
with gaps as ( select upper(during) as start,upper(during)) over (ORDER BY during) - upper(during) as gap from ( select during from reservation union all select unnest(case when pyha is not null then array[tsrange(d,d + interval '1 day')] when d::date = '2012-11-14' then array[tsrange(d,d + interval '9 hours'),d + interval '1 day')] end) from generate_series( '2012-11-14'::timestamp without time zone,'2012-11-14'::timestamp without time zone + interval '2 week',interval '1 day' ) as s(d) left join pyha on pyha = d::date ) as x ) select * from gaps where gap > '0'::interval order by start
>你不必将sat / sun的日期插入到pyha表中,因为你可以使用date_part(‘dow’,d)函数.仅在公众假期使用pyha表.对于太阳或周六,’dow’分别返回0或6.
>公共假期和sat / sun可以表示为单个间隔(0..24).工作日必须由两个间隔(0..8)和(18..24)表示,因此unfst()和array []
when d::date = '2012-11-14' then array[tsrange(d,d + interval '1 day')]
我们的想法是为开始日期生成不同的间隔(d :: date =’2012-11-14′):( 0..9)和(18..24)