*** ACTION NAME:() 2009-04-01 09:31:00.762
*** MODULE NAME:(JDBC Thin Client) 2009-04-01 09:31:00.762
*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2009-04-01 09:31:00.762
*** SESSION ID:(145.9) 2009-04-01 09:31:00.762
*** 2009-04-01 09:31:00.762
ksedmp: internal or fatal error
ORA-01114: 将块写入文件 201 时出现 IO 错误 (块 # 492)
ORA-27067: I/O 缓冲区的大小无效
OSD-04026: Invalid parameter passed. (OS 1318912)
ORA-01114: 将块写入文件 201 时出现 IO 错误 (块 # 492)
ORA-27067: I/O 缓冲区的大小无效
OSD-04026: Invalid parameter passed. (OS 1318912)
ORA-01114: 将块写入文件 201 时出现 IO 错误 (块 # 492)
ORA-27067: I/O 缓冲区的大小无效
OSD-04026: Invalid parameter passed. (OS 1318912)
ORA-01114: 将块写入文件 201 时出现 IO 错误 (块 # 9)
ORA-27067: I/O 缓冲区的大小无效
OSD-04026: Invalid parameter passed. (OS 1318912)
No current sql statement being executed.
Metalink上的Notes:317174.1,记录了一个类似的问题,这是Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: Microsoft Windows (32-bit)上的一个Bug:
Its a Bug specific to NT platform only. Cannot AUTOEXTEND to 4Gb boundary,This bug is fixed in 9203.
317174.1 记录的错误信息如下:
ORA-283: recovery session canceled due to errors
ORA-1115: IO error reading block from file 11 (block # 204802)
ORA-1110: data file 11: 'E:ORACLEORA92BORGMAXIMO.ORA'
ORA-27069: skgfdisp: attempt to do I/O beyond the range of the file
OSD-4026: Invalid parameter passed. (OS-204802)