另一个PL / sql重构问题!
cursor_1 is with X as (select col1,col2 from TAB where col1 = '1'),Y as (select col1,col2 from TAB where col2 = '3'),/*main select*/ select count(X.col1),... from X inner join Y on... group by rollup (X.col1,... cursor_2 is with X as (select col1,col2 from TAB where col1 = '7' and col2 = '9' and col3 = 'TEST'),col2 from TAB where col3 = '6'),... cursor_2 is with X as (select col1,col2 from TAB where col1 IS NULL ),col2 from TAB where col2 IS NOT NULL ),... ... begin for r in cursor_1 loop print_report_results(r); end loop; for r in cursor_2 loop print_report_results(r); end loop; ... end;
cursor main_report_cursor (in_X,in_Y) is with X as (select * from in_X),Y as (select * from in_Y) /*main select*/ select count(X.col1),... cursor x_1 is select col1,col2 from TAB where col1 = '1'; cursor y_1 is select col1,col2 from TAB where col2 = '3' ... begin for r in main_report_cursor(x_1,y_1) loop print_report_results(r); end loop; for r in main_report_cursor(x_2,y_2) loop print_report_results(r); end loop; ...
(使用Oracle 10g)
drop table my_tab; create table my_tab ( col1 number,col2 varchar2(10),col3 char(1) ); insert into my_tab values (1,'One','X'); insert into my_tab values (1,'Y'); insert into my_tab values (2,'Two','X'); insert into my_tab values (2,'Y'); insert into my_tab values (3,'Three','X'); insert into my_tab values (4,'Four','Y'); commit; -- define types create or replace package refcur_pkg is --type people_tab is table of people%rowtype; type my_subquery_tab is table of my_tab%rowtype; end refcur_pkg;
-- create pipelined function create or replace function get_tab_data(p_cur_num in number,p_cur_type in char) return REFCUR_PKG.my_subquery_tab pipelined IS v_ret REFCUR_PKG.my_subquery_tab; begin if (p_cur_num = 1) then if (upper(p_cur_type) = 'X') then for rec in (select * from my_tab where col1=1 and col3='X') loop pipe row(rec); end loop; elsif (upper(p_cur_type) = 'Y') then for rec in (select * from my_tab where col1=1 and col3='Y') loop pipe row(rec); end loop; else return; end if; elsif (p_cur_num = 2) then if (upper(p_cur_type) = 'X') then for rec in (select * from my_tab where col1=2 and col3='X') loop pipe row(rec); end loop; elsif (upper(p_cur_type) = 'Y') then for rec in (select * from my_tab where col1=2 and col3='Y') loop pipe row(rec); end loop; else return; end if; end if; return; end;
-- main procedure/usage declare cursor sel_cur1 is with X as (select * from table(get_tab_data(1,'x'))),Y as (select * from table(get_tab_data(1,'y'))) select X.col1,Y.col2 from X,Y where X.col1 = Y.col1; begin for rec in sel_cur1 loop dbms_output.put_line(rec.col1 || ',' || rec.col2); end loop; end;
create or replace procedure my_pipe IS -- define types type my_subquery_tab is table of my_tab%rowtype; type ref_cur_t is ref cursor; v_ref_cur ref_cur_t; -- define vars v_with_sql varchar2(4000); v_main_sql varchar2(32767); v_x1 number; v_x2 char; v_y1 number; v_y2 char; v_col1 my_tab.col1%type; v_col2 my_tab.col2%type; -- define local functions/procs function get_tab_data(p_cur_num in number,p_cur_type in char) return my_subquery_tab pipelined IS v_ret my_subquery_tab; begin if (p_cur_num = 1) then if (upper(p_cur_type) = 'X') then for rec in (select * from my_tab where col1=1 and col3='X') loop pipe row(rec); end loop; elsif (upper(p_cur_type) = 'Y') then for rec in (select * from my_tab where col1=1 and col3='Y') loop pipe row(rec); end loop; else return; end if; elsif (p_cur_num = 2) then if (upper(p_cur_type) = 'X') then for rec in (select * from my_tab where col1=2 and col3='X') loop pipe row(rec); end loop; elsif (upper(p_cur_type) = 'Y') then for rec in (select * from my_tab where col1=2 and col3='Y') loop pipe row(rec); end loop; else return; end if; end if; return; end; BEGIN --------------------------------- -- Setup sql for cursors --------------------------------- -- this will have different parameter values for subqueries v_with_sql := q'{ with X as (select * from table(get_tab_data(:x1,:x2))),Y as (select * from table(get_tab_data(:y1,:y2))) }'; -- this will stay the same for all cursors v_main_sql := q'{ select X.col1,Y where X.col1 = Y.col1 }'; --------------------------------- -- set initial subquery parameters --------------------------------- v_x1 := 1; v_x2 := 'x'; v_y1 := 1; v_y2 := 'y'; open v_ref_cur for v_with_sql || v_main_sql using v_x1,v_x2,v_y1,v_y2; loop fetch v_ref_cur into v_col1,v_col2; exit when v_ref_cur%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(v_col1 || ',' || v_col2); end loop; close v_ref_cur; --------------------------------- -- change subquery parameters --------------------------------- v_x1 := 2; v_x2 := 'x'; v_y1 := 2; v_y2 := 'y'; open v_ref_cur for v_with_sql || v_main_sql using v_x1,' || v_col2); end loop; close v_ref_cur; end;