--1:创建临时表空间 create temporary tablespace spa_authsys_temp tempfile 'F:\soft64\ora11g\oradata\orcl\my\authsys_temp.dbf' size 50m autoextend on next 50m maxsize 1024m extent management local; --2:创建数据表空间 create tablespace spa_authsys_data logging datafile 'F:\soft64\ora11g\oradata\orcl\my\authsys_data.dbf' size 50m autoextend on next 50m maxsize 1024m extent management local; --第3步:创建
用户并指定表空间 create user authsys identified by authsys default tablespace spa_authsys_data temporary tablespace spa_authsys_temp; --第4步:给
用户授予权限 grant connect,resource to authsys; grant create any sequence to authsys; grant create any table to authsys; grant delete any table to authsys; grant insert any table to authsys; grant select any table to authsys; grant unlimited tablespace to authsys; grant execute any procedure to authsys; grant update any table to authsys; grant create any view to authsys;