27.Which two statements are true regarding transactions in an Oracle database? (Choose two.) A.Multiple transactions can use the same undo segment. B.A transaction is assigned an undo segment when it is started. C.More than one transaction cannot share the same extent in the undo tablespace. D.The transactions use system undo segment to store undo data if all the segments in the undo tablespace are used. 答案:AB 解析: 当一个事务启动的时候,
数据库会分配给它一个undo segment,也就是在当前undo表空间中的一个事务表,特殊情况下 如果
错误 多个活动的事务可以同时写相同的undo segment或者不同的undo segment,例如事务T1和T2都可以写U1,或者 T1写U1,而T2写U2,所以A正确 撤消段中的扩展区形成一个环,事务写完一个extent,然后写下一个extent,如下图所示,如果都写完就会又开始写第一个,将以前的覆盖(先不考虑RETENTION设置为GUARANTEE的情况) 因此D也是