102.You want to import schema objects of the HR user using Oracle Data Pump from the development database,DEVDB,to the production database,PRODDB. A database link devdb.us.oracle.com is created between PRODDB and DEVDB. You execute the following command on the PRODDB database server: $ impdp system/manager directory = DB_DATA dumpfile = schemas.dat schemas = hr flashback_time = "TO_TIMESTAMP('25-08-2007 14:35:00','DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')" The command fails displaying the following error: ORA-39001: invalid argument value ORA-39000: bad dump file specification ORA-31640: unable to open dump file "/home/oracle/schema/schemas.dat" for read ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status What would you do to overcome the error? A.Add the user,SYSTEM,to the schemas option. B.Add the network_link = devdb.us.oracle.com option. C.Change the dumpfile option to schema.dat@devdb.us.oracle.com. D.Replace the schemas option with the network_link = devdb.us.oracle.com option. E.Replace the dumpfile option with the network_link = devdb.us.oracle.com option. 答案:E 解析:这道题主要问的是远程导入,我们测试一下远程导入和导出 这里需要注意的是network_link和dumpfile不能同时出现,如果远程导入的话,并且数据
文件不在被导入的服务器本地的话,那么 必须使用network_link,还有一种
数据库 impdp导入远程
数据库 1.impdp system/oracle@test3 directory=data_pump_dir dumpfile=test.dmp logfile=log.log tables=test.dept; 这里directory指的是远程的目录,dumpfile指的是远程的
文件 2.如果dmp
文件在本地,那么只能通过使用network_link来进行操作 客户端A:wahaha3,存在test 服务端B:wahaha7,不存在test 在B上执行,impdp system/oracle directory=data_pump_dir logfile=log.log network_link='dblink3' schemas=test remap_tablespace=test:users; --这里需要注意,这个impdp是在目标端执行的,直接从远程客户机test导过来,说明还是在服务器上 在A上执行,impdp system/oracle@wahaha7 directory=data_pump_dir logfile=log.log network_link='dblink3' schemas=test remap_tablespace=test:users; 总结:这里impdp 连接的哪个库,就给哪个库里面导入,network_link是连接到的
数据库的link expdp导出 在wahaha7上导出wahaha3的东西 1.wahaha7上创建public database link
sql> CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK dblink3 2 CONNECT TO system 3 IDENTIFIED BY oracle 4 using 'TEST3'; [oracle@wahaha7 ~]$ expdp system/oracle directory=data_pump_dir dumpfile=test.dmp logfile=log.log network_link='dblink3' schemas=test; directory==wahaha7的目录 dumpfile==wahaha7的
文件 network_link==连接wahaha3的dblink --这个时候出成功,并且本地