
alter table luffy.student_test2 add (CDR_CONTENT      VARCHAR2(2000));
alter table luffy.student_test2 add (COURSE_INST_ID      NUMBER(12));
alter table luffy.student_test2 add ADDRESS VARCHAR2(40);

alter table luffy.student_test2 drop column CDR_CONTENT;
alter table luffy.student_test2 drop column PROD_INST_ID;
alter table luffy.student_test2 drop column ADDRESS ;

alter table luffy.student_test2 modify(id number(7));--将字段长度改为7
alter table luffy.student_test2 modify id number(20);--将字段长度改为20

alter table luffy.student_test2 modify(id varchar2(8));--将字段类型由number改为varchar2,长度为8,(要更改类型,需要修改的列必须为空)
alter table luffy.student_test2 modify id varchar2(20);--将字段类型由number改为varchar2,长度为20,(要更改类型,需要修改的列必须为空)

alter table luffy.student_test2 rename column id to stu_id;
alter table luffy.student_test2 rename column stu_id to id;

alter table luffy.student_test2 rename to student_test22;--修改表名 
rename luffy.student_test22 to student_test2; --不允许指定表的所属用户

select * from dba_tables where owner='ESB_TEST';
