

cmd 进入oracle命令

sqlplus /nolog

conn jrw/jrw@orcl


sql 代码sql> create user visiontv identified by visiontv defaulttablespace visiontv quo

ta 10m on users;

//创建空间 create tablespace test datafile 'c:oracleoradataorcl9test.dbf' size50M default storage (initial 500K Next 500Kminextents 1 maxextentsunlimited pctincrease 0);

//Oracle创建用户权限//创建用户 create user lxg identifiedby lxg default tablespace test;

//授权  grant resource,connect,dbato test;

//删除表空间 drop tablespace "空间名"including contents and datafiles

  删除用户 drop user "lxg" cascade

  增加表空间 alter tablespace chinawater add datafile'c:oracleoradataorcl9ADDCHINAWATER.dbf' size 200M

  创建用户 create user userName identified by password;

  创建用户 userName,密码为 password

grant dba to lxg;--授予DBA权限

grant unlimited tablespace to lxg;--授予不限制的表空间

grant select any table to lxg;--授予查询任何表

grant select any dictionary to lxg;--授予 查询 任何字典

grant dba to lxg;

grant unlimited tablespace to lxg;

grant select any table to lxg;

grant select any dictionary to lxg;

oracle 正在连接的用户不能删除,确实要删除的话

1select sid,serial#,username from v$session where user='USERNAME';

2alter system kill session 'sid,serial#';

3drop user username cascade;

3.查看用户所拥有的表 select table_name fromuser_tables; select *from tab;

4.查看用户所拥有的视图 select view_name from user_views;

5.查看用户所拥有的触发器 select trigger_name fromuser_triggers;

6.查看用户拥有的序列 select sequence_name fromuser_sequence;

7.查看用户拥有的索引 select index_name fromuser_indexs;

8.显示当前用户 show user;

9.切换用户 conn scott/tiger;

10.用户赋予某种角色登录 conn scott/tiger as sysdba;

11.查看所有用户 conn system/unis; select username from dba_users;

12.查看用户所拥有的权限 select *from session_privs;

13.用户加锁 alter user scott accountlock;

14.用户解锁 alter user scott accountunlock;

15.修改用户密码 alter user zzg identified byzzg123

16.新建用户 create user zzg identifiedby zzg123;

17.删除用户及相关对象 drop user zzg cascade;

18.用户赋权(多个采用逗号间隔) grant create session,createtable to zzg;

19.分配表空间给用户 alter user zzg defaulttablespace ts_zzg;


create user local_twsms identified bylocal_twsms;

grant dba to local_twsms;--授予DBA权限

grant unlimited tablespace to local_twsms;--授予不限制的表空间

grant select any table to local_twsms;--授予查询任何表

grant select any dictionary to local_twsms;--授予 查询 任何字典

grant dba to local_twsms;

grant unlimited tablespace to local_twsms;

grant select any table to local_twsms;

grant select any dictionary to local_twsms;

grant create session,create table to local_twsms;


创建表空间 表空间的管理分文件系统和自动存储管理(ASM




round(bytes/1024/1024/1024,3)"used(G)",round(maxbytes/1024/1024/1024,3) "size(G)"

from dba_data_files order bytablespace_name;

在操作系统上查看可用存储的大小:df -h


create tablespace tbs_name datafile'/dba/oradata/ORADEV/datafile/tbs_name01.dbf' size 100m autoextend on next100m;


alter tablespace tbs_name add datafile'/dba/oradata/ORADEV/datafile/tbs_name01.dbf' size 100m autoextend on next100m;




select name,total_mb/1024total_GB,free_mb/1024free_GB,to_char(round((total_mb-free_mb)/total_mb*100,2),'99.99')||'%' usagefrom v$asm_diskgroup;


create tablespace tbs_name datafile'+data_dg' size 100m autoextend on next 100m;


alter tablespace tbs_name add datafile'+data_dg' size 100m autoextend on next 100m;

创建用户 1.创建用户

create user user_name identified by"user_password"

default tablespace tbs_name

temporary tablespace temp profile DEFAULT;


grant connect to user_name;

grant create indextype to user_name;

grant create job to user_name;

grant create materialized view touser_name;

grant create procedure to user_name;

grant create public synonym to user_name;

grant create sequence to user_name;

grant create session to user_name;

grant create table to user_name;

grant create trigger to user_name;

grant create type to user_name;

grant create view to user_name;

grant unlimited tablespace to user_name;

alter user user_name quota unlimited ontbs_name;

