



select * from scott.emp where deptno = 20;


select scott.empno,ename,deptno from scott.emp where job like'CLERK';


select * from scott.emp where comm > sal;


select * from scott.emp where comm > (sal*0.2);


select * from scott.emp

where (deptno = 10 and job like 'MANAGER') or (deptno = 20and job like 'CLERK');


select * from scott.emp where job not in ('MANAGER','CLERK')and sal >= 2000 ;


select distinct job from scott.emp where comm is not null;


select ename,(sal+nvl(comm,0)) salcomm from scott.emp;


select * from scott.emp where (comm is null or comm < 100);


select * from scott.emp where hiredate in (select(last_day(hiredate)-1) from scott.emp);


select * from scott.emp where (sysdate - hiredate)/365 >=10 ;


select upper(substr(ename,1,1)) || lower(substr(ename,2,length(ename)-1))from scott.emp;


select * from scott.emp where lengthename= 6 ;


select * from scott.emp where ename not in (select ename fromscott.emp where ename like '%S%') ;

select * from scott.emp where ename not like ‘%S%’;


select * from scott.emp where ename like '_M%';


select substr(ename,3) from scott.emp ;


select replace(ename,'s','S') from scott.emp ;


select ename,hiredate from scott.emp order by hiredate asc ;


select ename,job,sal,comm from scott.emp order by jobdesc,sal asc ;


selectename,to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')||'-'||to_char(hiredate,'mm') from scott.emporder by to_char(hiredate,'mm'),'yyyy');


select * from scott.emp where to_char(hiredate,'mm') = 2 ;


select ename,floor((sysdate-hiredate)/365)||''||floor(mod((sysdate-hiredate),365)/30)||''||cell(mod(mod((sysdate-hiredate),365),30))||'' from scott.emp;


select * from dept where deptno in (select distinct deptnofrom scott.emp where mgr is not null) ;


select * from scott.emp where sal > (select sal from scott.empwhere ename like 'SMITH') ;


select staname,ename supname from (select ename staname,mgrfrom scott.emp) t join scott.emp on t.mgr=scott.emp.scott.empno ;


select * from scott.emp where scott.empno in (select stascott.empnofrom (select scott.empno stascott.empno,hiredate stahiredate,mgr from scott.emp)t join scott.emp on t.mgr=scott.emp.scott.empno and stahiredate < hiredate);


select * from dept left join scott.emp on scott.emp.deptno=dept.deptnoorder by dept.deptno ;



select ename,dname from scott.emp join dept on job like'CLERK' and scott.emp.deptno=dept.deptno;


select job from (select min(sal) min_sal,job from scott.empgroup by job) where min_sal > 2500 ;


select * from scott.emp where deptno in (select deptno from(select min(sal) min_sal,deptno from scott.emp group by deptno) where min_sal< '2000') ;


select ename from scott.emp where deptno = (select deptnofrom dept where dname like 'SALES');


select * from scott.emp where sal > (select avg(sal) from scott.emp);


select * from scott.emp where job in (select job from scott.empwhere ename like 'SMITH') and ename not like 'SMITH' ;


select ename,sal from scott.emp where sal =any (select salfrom scott.emp where deptno = 30) ;


select ename,sal from scott.emp where sal >all (select salfrom scott.emp where deptno = 30) ;


select dname,count,avg_sal,avg_date from dept join (selectcount(*) count,avg(sal) avg_sal,avg((sysdate-hiredate)/365) avg_date,deptnofrom scott.emp group by deptno) t on dept.deptno = t.deptno ;


select distinct t1.scott.empno,t1.ename,t1.deptno from scott.empt1 join scott.emp t2 on t1.job like t2.job and t1.deptno <> t2.deptno ;


Select dept.*,person_num,avg_sal from dept,(select count(*)person_num,deptno from scott.emp group by deptno) t wheredept.deptno = t.deptno ;


select job,min(sal) from scott.emp group by job ;


select max(sal),deptno from scott.emp group by deptno,joborder by deptno,job


select * from scott.emp where scott.empno in (select mgr fromscott.emp where deptno=10) or deptno = 10


select deptno,count(*),avg(sal) from scott.emp group bydeptno


select * from scott.emp where sal in (select avg(sal) avg_salfrom scott.emp group by deptno) ;


select scott.emp.* from scott.emp join (selectdeptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from scott.emp group by deptno) t on scott.emp.deptno=t.deptnoand sal>avg_sal ;


select scott.emp.*,avg_sal from scott.emp join (selectdeptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from scott.emp group by deptno) t on scott.emp.deptno=t.deptnoand sal>avg_sal ;


select * from scott.emp where sal >any(select sal from scott.empwhere deptno=20);


select job,avg(sal) from scott.emp group by job ;


select deptno,avg(sal) from scott.emp group bydeptno,job order by deptno,job;

(50)查询工资、奖金与10 号部门某个员工工资、奖金都相同的员工的信息。

select scott.emp.* from scott.emp join (select sal,comm from scott.empwhere deptno = 10) t on scott.emp.sal=t.sal and nvl(scott.emp.comm,0)=nvl(t.comm,0)and scott.emp.deptno != 10;


select * from scott.emp where deptno in (select deptno from scott.empgroup by deptno having count(*)>5);


select * from dept where deptno in (select distinct deptnofrom scott.emp where deptno not in (select distinct deptno from scott.emp wheresal < 1000)) ;


select * from scott.emp join dept on dept.deptno in (selectdistinct deptno from scott.emp where deptno not in (select distinct deptno fromscott.emp where sal < 1000)) and dept.deptno=scott.emp.deptno;


select * from dept where deptno in (select distinct deptnofrom scott.emp where deptno not in (select distinct deptno from scott.emp wheresal not between 900 and 3000)) ;


select * from scott.emp where deptno in (select distinctdeptno from scott.emp where deptno not in (select distinct deptno from scott.empwhere sal not between 900 and 3000)) ;


select * from (select e1.scott.empno,e1.ename,e1.mgrmno,e2.ename mname,e2.deptno from scott.emp e1 join scott.emp e2 on e1.mgr=e2.scott.empno)t join dept on t.deptno=dept.deptno ;


select * from dept where deptno in (select deptno from(select count(*) count,deptno from scott.emp group by deptno) where count in(select max(count) from (select count(*) count,deptno from scott.emp group bydeptno)));


select * from scott.emp where scott.empno in (select scott.empnofrom (select scott.empno,sal from scott.emp where deptno=30 order by sal desc)where rownum < 4) ;


select * from scott.emp where scott.empno in (select scott.empnofrom (select scott.empno,rownum num from (select scott.empno,sal from scott.emporder by sal desc)) where num between 5 and 10 ) ;

select scott.empno from (select scott.empno,sal from scott.emporder by sal desc) where rownum <= 10 minus select scott.empno from (select scott.empno,salfrom scott.emp order by sal desc) where rownum < 5 ;





insertinto scott.emp(scott.empno,deptno,hiredate) values(1357,'oracle',2050,20,to_date('2002510','yyyy""mm""dd""'));



update scott.emp t1 set sal = (select new_sal from (selectavg(sal)+1000 new_sal,deptno from scott.emp group by deptno) t2 wher et1.deptno = t2.deptno ) ;

