select t.ID,t.存储名称,t.存储路径,t.上传人,t.上传时间 from zlmaindata.投标记录 t
with t1 as( select 存储名称 as c1,存储路径,上传人,上传时间 from zlmaindata.投标记录 where id='') select distinct regexp_substr(t1.存储名称,'[^;]+',1,level) as 文件存储名称,t1.上传人,t1.上传时间,regexp_substr(相关附件,level) as 相关附件 from zlmaindata.投标记录 connect by level <= length(存储名称) - length(replace(存储名称,';',''));
with t1 as( select 存储名称 as c1,上传时间 from zlmaindata.投标记录 where id='')
with t as ( select q.* from( select rownum as 序号,y.ID as 记录ID,y.附件名,y.登记人,y.登记时间,y.附件路径 from zlmaindata.用户服务单 y where y.附件名 is not null and y.附件路径 is not null ) q where q.序号 between 1 and 20 ) select distinct t.记录ID,regexp_substr(t.附件名,level) as 文件名,'客户服务' as 模块名称,t.登记人 as 上传人,t.登记时间 as 上传时间,level) as 存储名,t.附件路径 as 存储路径 from t connect by level <= length(t.附件名) - length(replace(t.附件名,''))