--建包 createorreplacepackage PA_BGYZB as type sp_cursor is ref cursor; end PA_BGYZB; --存储过程调用包 create or replace procedure PRO_GETYFBGYZB(jgidInput in varchar2,yfsbInput in varchar2,--输入变量 bgyzb_cursor out PA_BGYZB.sp_cursor ) as ypxh1 NUMBER( 18); ypcd1 NUMBER( 18); ypsl1 NUMBER( 10,4 ); ypgg1 VARCHAR2( 200); lsje1 NUMBER( 12,4 ); begin open bgyzb_cursor for select a.ypxh as YPXH,a.YPCD,a.ypsl,b.yfgg,a.lsje into ypxh1,ypcd1,ypsl1,ypgg1,lsje1 from yf_kcmx a,yf_ypxx b where a.jgid = b.jgid and a.yfsb = b.yfsb and a.ypxh = b.ypxh and a.jgid = jgidInput and a.yfsb = yfsbInput; end PRO_GETYFBGYZB;