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千呼万唤oracle dul 11终于发布了,迫不及待的下载来测试,现在版本号为dul,目前只发布了for linux,其他版本估计要等等.期待该版本有引进新功能
oracle dul 11发布
dul 11 测试恢复oracle 12c版本
[root@ora1221 dul11]
# ./dul
Data UnLoader: - Internal Only - on Mon Jun 13 00:04:50 2016
with 64-bit io functions
Copyright (c) 1994 2016 Bernard van Duijnen All rights reserved.
Strictly Oracle Internal Use Only
DUL: Warning: Recreating
Found db_id = 1414800805
Found db_name = ORCL
DUL> bootstrap;
= 1,block = 520
. unloading table BOOTSTRAP$
DUL: Warning: block number is non zero but marked deferred trying to process it anyhow
60 rows unloaded
DUL: Warning: Dictionary cache DC_BOOTSTRAP is empty
Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 60 entries loaded
Parsing Bootstrap$ contents
Generating dict.ddl
version 12
OBJ$: segobjno 18,
1 block 240
TAB$: segobjno 2,tabno 1,monospace!important; bottom:auto!important; float:none!important; height:auto!important; left:auto!important; line-height:1.1em!important; outline:0px!important; overflow:visible!important; position:static!important; right:auto!important; top:auto!important; width:auto!important; direction:ltr!important; display:inline!important"> 1 block 144
COL$: segobjno 2,tabno 5,monospace!important; bottom:auto!important; float:none!important; height:auto!important; left:auto!important; line-height:1.1em!important; outline:0px!important; overflow:visible!important; position:static!important; right:auto!important; top:auto!important; width:auto!important; direction:ltr!important; display:inline!important"> 1 block 144
USER$: segobjno 10,monospace!important; bottom:auto!important; float:none!important; height:auto!important; left:auto!important; line-height:1.1em!important; outline:0px!important; overflow:visible!important; position:static!important; right:auto!important; top:auto!important; width:auto!important; direction:ltr!important; display:inline!important"> 1 block 208
Running generated
to unload the dictionary tables
. unloading table OBJ$ 72547 rows unloaded
. unloading table TAB$ 2137 rows unloaded
. unloading table COL$ 115645 rows unloaded
. unloading table USER$ 129 rows unloaded
Reading USER.dat 129 entries loaded
Reading OBJ.dat
DUL: FATAL Error: File OBJ.dat,line 22094: identifier too long
dul 11 恢复oracle 12c 报错分析
# vi OBJ.dat