create or replace procedure select_look as str varchar2(100); begin str:='select * from emp'; execute immediate str; end;
2007年11月15日 星期四 14:27
create procedure pro as str varchar2(100); begin str:='CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE TABLENAME ( COL1 VARCHAR2(10),COL2 NUMBER ) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS' ; execute immediate str; --使用动态sql语句来执行 end; /
--ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS 说明临时表是事务指定,每次提交后ORACLE将截断表(删除全部行)
--ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS 说明临时表是会话指定,当中断会话时ORACLE将截断表。
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE temptest (p_searchDate IN DATE) IS v_count INT; str varchar2(300); BEGIN v_count := 0; str:='drop table SETT_DAILYTEST'; execute immediate str; /* str:='CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SETT_DAILYTEST ( NACCOUNTID NUMBER not null,NSUBACCOUNTID NUMBER not null) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS'; execute immediate str; ----使用动态sql语句来执行 str:='insert into SETT_DAILYTEST (select naccountid,nsubaccountid from sett_dailyaccountbalance)'; execute immediate str; END temptest;
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE PR_DAILYCHECK ( p_Date IN DATE,p_Office IN INTEGER,p_Currency IN INTEGER,P_Check IN INTEGER,p_countNum OUT INTEGER) IS v_count INT; BEGIN v_count := 0; IF p_Date IS NULL THEN dbms_output.put_line('´«ÈëµÄ²ÎÊý´íÎó'); ELSE IF P_Check = 1 THEN insert into SETT_DAILYTEST (select naccountid,nsubaccountid from sett_dailyaccountbalance where dtdate = p_Date); select count(sd.naccountid) into v_count from sett_subaccount ss,sett_account sa,sett_dailytest sd where sd.naccountid = and sd.nsubaccountid = and = ss.naccountid AND sa.nofficeid = p_Office AND sa.ncurrencyid = p_Currency and rownum < 2; COMMIT; p_countNum := v_count; dbms_output.put_line(p_countNum); END IF; IF P_Check = 2 THEN insert into SETT_DAILYTEST (select naccountid,nsubaccountid from sett_dailyaccountbalance where dtdate = p_Date); select count(sd.naccountid) into v_count from sett_cfsubaccount ss,sett_dailytest sd where sd.naccountid = and sd.nsubaccountid = and = ss.naccountid AND sa.nofficeid = p_Office AND sa.ncurrencyid = p_Currency and rownum < 2; COMMIT; p_countNum := v_count; dbms_output.put_line(p_countNum); END IF; END IF; END PR_DAILYCHECK;
oracel 日期函数
to_date(substr(ildgl,2,6),'rrDDD') insert into scott.f42111 values('mike',600,to_date('2009-04-17 10:17:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'))