--建表空间 CREATE tablespace weijl datafile "E:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORACLE\ORCL\weijl.DBF" size 10M autoextend on next 5M; --删除表空间 drop tablespace weijl including contents and datafiles; --建用户 CREATE USER weijl identified by weijl default tablespace weijl temporary tablespace temp; --赋权 grand dba,resource,connect to weijl; --删除用户 drop user weijl;
--大象数据库备份还原 --cd 到postgresql/bin目录下,备份数据库 pg_dump -h localhost -U postgresql puc > C:/backup-2017.bak
exp hytera/hytera@ file=D:\2017-08-17.dmp imp hytera/hytera@ file=D:\2017-08-17.dmp fromuser=hytera touser=hytera full=y原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/oracle/208917.html