Assumptions and Comments
This article assumes the following.
- You already have a functioninginstallation of ORDS.
- The paths for the ORDS configuration match those from the ORDS installation article listed above.
- You have an Oracle database available. In this article I will be using a 12c database,but it works just the same with an 11g database.
- You have a way to call the web services. Some GET web services can be called from a browser,but the other methods require some coding,or a REST client. I used "curl" and the "Advanced REST client" extension for Chrome.
The examples in this article are based around single operations against a single table. I don't consider these "realistic" tests by any means. From a performance perspective,web services that perform DML should call transactional APIs,which may perform multiple operations in a single call,rather than effectively exposing table APIs,like we are here.
Create a Test Database User
We need a new database user for our testing.
Create and populate a copy of the EMP table.
CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1 CREATE TABLE EMP ( EMPNO NUMBER(4,0),ENAME VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),JOB VARCHAR2(9 BYTE),MGR NUMBER(4,HIREDATE DATE,SAL NUMBER(7,2),COMM NUMBER(7,DEPTNO NUMBER(2,CONSTRAINT PK_EMP PRIMARY KEY (EMPNO) ); insert into EMP (EMPNO,ENAME,JOB,MGR,HIREDATE,SAL,COMM,DEPTNO) values (7369,'SMITH','CLERK',7902,to_date('17-DEC-80','DD-MON-RR'),800,null,20); insert into EMP (EMPNO,DEPTNO) values (7499,'ALLEN','SALESMAN',7698,to_date('20-FEB-81',1600,300,30); insert into EMP (EMPNO,DEPTNO) values (7521,'WARD',to_date('22-FEB-81',1250,500,DEPTNO) values (7566,'JONES','MANAGER',7839,to_date('02-APR-81',2975,DEPTNO) values (7654,'MARTIN',to_date('28-SEP-81',1400,DEPTNO) values (7698,'BLAKE',to_date('01-MAY-81',2850,DEPTNO) values (7782,'CLARK',to_date('09-JUN-81',2450,10); insert into EMP (EMPNO,DEPTNO) values (7788,'SCOTT','ANALYST',7566,to_date('19-APR-87',3000,DEPTNO) values (7839,'KING','PRESIDENT',to_date('17-NOV-81',5000,DEPTNO) values (7844,'TURNER',to_date('08-SEP-81',1500,DEPTNO) values (7876,'ADAMS',7788,to_date('23-MAY-87',1100,DEPTNO) values (7900,'JAMES',to_date('03-DEC-81',950,DEPTNO) values (7902,'FORD',DEPTNO) values (7934,'MILLER',7782,to_date('23-JAN-82',1300,10); commit;Enable ORDS
There are a number of steps that are necessary for ORDS to publish REST web services from a database user.
Installing ORDS configures a default database connection called "apex",available from the base URL "/ords/". We could use this existing database connection,but instead we will create a new database connection. If you already have a connection you are happy to use ignore the following database connection and URL mapping ORDS commands.
$ cd /u01/ords $ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ords.war setup --database pdb1 Enter the name of the database server [ol7-121.localdomain]: Enter the database listen port [1521]: Enter 1 to specify the database service name,or 2 to specify the database SID [1]: Enter the database service name [pdb1]: Enter 1 if you want to verify/install Oracle REST Data Services schema or 2 to skip this step [1]: Enter the database password for ORDS_PUBLIC_USER: Confirm password: Enter 1 if you want to use PL/SQL Gateway or 2 to skip this step. If using Oracle Application Express or migrating from mod_plsql then you must enter 1 [1]:2 Nov 29,2016 11:04:54 AM INFO: Updated configurations: pdb1_pu Nov 29,2016 11:04:54 AM oracle.dbtools.rt.config.setup.SchemaSetup install INFO: Oracle REST Data Services schema version is installed. $
We create a URL mapping to the new database connection.
$ cd /u01/ords $ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ords.war map-url --type base-path /pdb1 pdb1 Nov 29,2016 11:06:25 AM INFO: Creating new mapping from: [base-path,/pdb1] to map to: [pdb1,] $
Web services from the connection can now be referenced using the following base URL.
The final step is to enable REST web services for the test schema itself. We could use any unique and legal URL mapping pattern for the schema,so it is not necessary to expose the schema name as we have done here.
CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1 BEGIN ORDS.enable_schema( p_enabled => TRUE,p_schema => 'TESTUSER1',p_url_mapping_type => 'BASE_PATH',p_url_mapping_pattern => 'testuser1',p_auto_rest_auth => FALSE ); COMMIT; END; /
Web services from the schema can now be referenced using the following base URL.
We are now ready to start.
Create GET Web Services (Read/SELECT)This section describes the creation of REST web services using the GET method,which are typically used to read data. To stay true to REST,you should not perform any changes to data with a GET operation. Think of this as query-only. It breaks down the process to give you some indication of the pieces that make up an ORDS RESTful web service. The sections for the other methods,will not be broken down in the same way,but the information in this section is applicable to them also.
Quick Build
procedure allows you to create a new module,template and handler in a single step. If the module already exists,it's replaced by the new definition.
CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1 BEGIN ORDS.define_service( p_module_name => 'testmodule1',p_base_path => 'testmodule1/',p_pattern => 'emp/',p_method => 'GET',p_source_type => ORDS.source_type_query,p_source => 'SELECT * FROM emp',p_items_per_page => 0); COMMIT; END; /
The basic makeup of an ORDS RESTful web service is as follows.
- Module : A container for one or more templates,with an associated path (testmodule1/).
- Template : A container for one or more handlers. The template must be unique within the module and is associated with a specific path (emp/),which may or may not include parameters.
- Handler : A link to the actual work that is done. Typical handler methods include GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,which are passed in the HTTP header,rather than the URL. Each handler is associated with a specific source (or action),which can be of several types.
We can see this pattern in the URL to access this web service. Remember,the default method for a browser URL is GET,so the final URL listed will work in a browser.
Base ORDS URL : http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/ Schema (alias): http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/ Module : http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule1/ Template : http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule1/emp/Views
We can see the definition in the database using theUSER_ORDS_%
-- Modules COLUMN name FORMAT A20 COLUMN uri_prefix FORMAT A20 SELECT id,name,uri_prefix FROM user_ords_modules ORDER BY name; ID NAME URI_PREFIX ---------- -------------------- -------------------- 10006 testmodule1 /testmodule1/ SQL> -- Templates COLUMN uri_template FORMAT A20 SELECT id,module_id,uri_template FROM user_ords_templates ORDER BY module_id; ID MODULE_ID URI_TEMPLATE ---------- ---------- -------------------- 10007 10006 emp/ SQL> -- Handlers. COLUMN source_type FORMAT A15 COLUMN source FORMAT A20 SELECT id,template_id,source_type,method,source FROM user_ords_handlers ORDER BY id; ID TEMPLATE_ID SOURCE_TYPE METHOD SOURCE ---------- ----------- --------------- ---------- -------------------- 10008 10007 json/query GET SELECT * FROM emp SQL>Manual Build
Rather than using theDEFINE_SERVICE
procedure,we can build the same web service manually using theDEFINE_MODULE
procedures. The following code creates a similar web service to that defined previously,but this time defining all the pieces manually.
CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1 BEGIN ORDS.define_module( p_module_name => 'testmodule2',p_base_path => 'testmodule2/',p_items_per_page => 0); ORDS.define_template( p_module_name => 'testmodule2',p_pattern => 'emp/'); ORDS.define_handler( p_module_name => 'testmodule2',p_items_per_page => 0); COMMIT; END; /
The web service is available using the following URL.
http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule2/emp/Multiple Templates
The following code creates a web service with two templates,one of which uses a parameter to return a single record. Notice the parameter is used in the associated query to limit the results returned.
CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1 BEGIN ORDS.define_module( p_module_name => 'testmodule3',p_base_path => 'testmodule3/',p_items_per_page => 0); ORDS.define_template( p_module_name => 'testmodule3',p_pattern => 'emp/'); ORDS.define_handler( p_module_name => 'testmodule3',p_items_per_page => 0); ORDS.define_template( p_module_name => 'testmodule3',p_pattern => 'emp/:empno'); ORDS.define_handler( p_module_name => 'testmodule3',p_pattern => 'emp/:empno',p_source => 'SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno = :empno',sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">The web service is available using the following URLs.Stored Procedure (JSON)http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule3/emp/ http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule3/emp/7499Multiple ParametersThere are a number of ways to pass multiple parameters to a get services,including posting JSON in the URL,but I prefer the following method. The following code creates a web service to return a result set. Notice the parameters are not specified in the template,but are specified in the handler.
CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1 BEGIN ORDS.define_module( p_module_name => 'testmodule3b',p_base_path => 'testmodule3b/',p_items_per_page => 0); ORDS.define_template( p_module_name => 'testmodule3b',p_pattern => 'emp/'); ORDS.define_handler( p_module_name => 'testmodule3b',p_source => 'SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno BETWEEN :empno_start AND :empno_end',p_items_per_page => 0); COMMIT; END; /http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule3b/emp/?empno_start=7876&empno_end=7934
The previous examples use handlers associated with queries,but they can be associated with stored procedures. I would suggest this is the best approach to REST enabling the database,as you can hide relational complexity behind a PL/SQL API. To show this,create the following procedure,which uses theAPEX_JSON
package to generate the JSON results.
CONN / AS SYSDBA ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER=pdb1; GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE TO testuser1; CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1 CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_emp_json (p_empno IN emp.empno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL) AS l_cursor SYS_REFCURSOR; BEGIN OPEN l_cursor FOR SELECT e.empno AS "empno",e.ename AS "employee_name",e.job AS "job",e.mgr AS "mgr",TO_CHAR(e.hiredate,'DD-MON-YYYY') AS "hiredate",e.sal AS "sal",e.comm AS "comm",e.deptno AS "deptno" FROM emp e WHERE e.empno = DECODE(p_empno,NULL,e.empno,p_empno); APEX_JSON.open_object; APEX_JSON.write('employees',l_cursor); APEX_JSON.close_object; END; /
The following code creates a web service which calls this procedure. Notice the source type ofSOURCE_TYPE_PLSQL
and a PL/SQL block as the source.
CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1 BEGIN ORDS.define_module( p_module_name => 'testmodule4',p_base_path => 'testmodule4/',p_items_per_page => 0); ORDS.define_template( p_module_name => 'testmodule4',p_pattern => 'emp/'); ORDS.define_handler( p_module_name => 'testmodule4',p_source_type => ORDS.source_type_plsql,p_source => 'BEGIN get_emp_json; END;',p_items_per_page => 0); ORDS.define_template( p_module_name => 'testmodule4',p_pattern => 'emp/:empno'); ORDS.define_handler( p_module_name => 'testmodule4',p_source => 'BEGIN get_emp_json(:empno); END;',204); border-radius: 4px;">http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule4/emp/ http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule4/emp/7499Stored Procedure (XML)
Using a stored procedure is a simple way to produce XML REST web services. To show this,which uses SQL/XML to generate the XML results.
CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1 CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_emp_xml (p_empno IN emp.empno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL) AS l_clob CLOB; BEGIN SELECT XMLELEMENT("employees",XMLAGG( XMLELEMENT("emp",XMLFOREST(e.empno AS "empno",e.deptno AS "deptno" ) ) ) ).getClobVal() INTO l_clob FROM emp e WHERE e.empno = DECODE(p_empno,p_empno); OWA_UTIL.mime_header('text/xml'); HTP.print(l_clob); END; /
The following code creates a web service that calls this procedure.
CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1 BEGIN ORDS.define_module( p_module_name => 'testmodule5',p_base_path => 'testmodule5/',p_items_per_page => 0); ORDS.define_template( p_module_name => 'testmodule5',p_pattern => 'emp/'); ORDS.define_handler( p_module_name => 'testmodule5',p_source => 'BEGIN get_emp_xml; END;',p_items_per_page => 0); ORDS.define_template( p_module_name => 'testmodule5',p_pattern => 'emp/:empno'); ORDS.define_handler( p_module_name => 'testmodule5',p_source => 'BEGIN get_emp_xml(:empno); END;',204); border-radius: 4px;">http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule5/emp/ http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule5/emp/7499Create POST Web Services (Create/INSERT)
The POST method is typically used for a create operation,like inserting some data. Remember,from a database perspective,a create operation,like creating an employee,may involve multiple operations,not just inserts. The POST method expects the parameter values to be passed as a payload. I used the "Advanced REST client" extension for Chrome to send the requests here.
The source of the POST handler can be a regular PL/SQL block containing an insert statement,but it makes sense to enclose this in a stored procedure or packaged procedure. Create a stored procedure to insert rows.
CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1 CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE create_employee ( p_empno IN emp.empno%TYPE,p_ename IN emp.ename%TYPE,p_job IN emp.job%TYPE,p_mgr IN emp.mgr%TYPE,p_hiredate IN VARCHAR2,p_sal IN emp.sal%TYPE,p_comm IN emp.comm%TYPE,p_deptno IN emp.deptno%TYPE ) AS BEGIN INSERT INTO emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno) VALUES (p_empno,p_ename,p_job,p_mgr,TO_DATE(p_hiredate,'DD-MON-YYYY'),p_sal,p_comm,p_deptno); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN HTP.print(SQLERRM); END; /
The following code creates a web service with a POST handler that calls the stored procedure,passing the parameters from the payload.
CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1 BEGIN ORDS.define_module( p_module_name => 'testmodule6',p_base_path => 'testmodule6/',p_items_per_page => 0); ORDS.define_template( p_module_name => 'testmodule6',p_pattern => 'emp/'); ORDS.define_handler( p_module_name => 'testmodule6',p_method => 'POST',p_source => 'BEGIN create_employee(p_empno => :empno,p_ename => :ename,p_job => :job,p_mgr => :mgr,p_hiredate => :hiredate,p_sal => :sal,p_comm => :comm,p_deptno => :deptno); END;',sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">The web service can be called using the following URL,header and payload.Create PUT Web Services (Amend/UPDATE)URL : http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule6/emp/ Method : POST Header : Content-Type: application/json Raw Payload: { "empno": 9999,"ename": "HALL","job": "ANALYST","mgr": 7782,"hiredate": "01-JAN-2016","sal": 1000,"comm": null,"deptno": 10 } $ curl -i -X POST --data-binary @/tmp/insert-payload.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule6/emp/You can see a more complex example here.
The PUT method is typically used to amend data and expects the parameter values to be passed in the payload. The PUT operation is often expected to perform a create if the data doesn't already exist,but I personally don't like this approach.
The source of the PUT handler can be as simple as a regular PL/sql block containing an update statement,but it makes sense to enclose this in a stored procedure or packaged procedure. Create a stored procedure to update rows.
CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1 CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE amend_employee ( p_empno IN emp.empno%TYPE,p_deptno IN emp.deptno%TYPE ) AS BEGIN UPDATE emp SET ename = p_ename,job = p_job,mgr = p_mgr,hiredate = TO_DATE(p_hiredate,sal = p_sal,comm = p_comm,deptno = p_deptno WHERE empno = p_empno; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN HTP.print(sqlERRM); END; /
The following code creates a web service with a PUT handler that calls the stored procedure,204); border-radius: 4px;">CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1
p_module_name => 'testmodule7',p_base_path => 'testmodule7/',p_items_per_page => 0);
p_module_name => 'testmodule7',p_pattern => 'emp/');
p_module_name => 'testmodule7',p_method => 'PUT',p_source => 'BEGIN
amend_employee(p_empno => :empno,204); border-radius: 4px;">URL : http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule7/emp/
Method : PUT
Header : Content-Type: application/json
Raw Payload: { "empno": 9999,"ename": "WOOD","deptno": 20 }
$ curl -i -X PUT --data-binary @/tmp/update-payload.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule7/emp/
Create DELETE Web Services (Remove/DELETE)
Like the POST and PUT methods,the source of the DELETE handler can be a as simple as a PL/sql block containing a delete statement,but it makes sense to enclose this in a stored procedure or packaged procedure. Create a stored procedure to delete rows. The following code creates a web service with a DELETE handler that calls the stored procedure,passing the parameter from the payload. Each of the examples above is defined as a separate module,most of which have a single template with a single handler. This is not a true reflection of how many web services will be presented. The example below combines the templates and handlers above into a single web service,allowing records to be inserted,updated,deleted and queried. It uses some of the stored procedures defined in the prevIoUs sections.CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1
p_empno IN emp.empno%TYPE
DELETE FROM emp WHERE empno = p_empno;
CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1
p_module_name => 'testmodule8',p_base_path => 'testmodule8/',p_items_per_page => 0);
p_module_name => 'testmodule8',p_pattern => 'emp/');
p_module_name => 'testmodule8',p_method => 'DELETE',p_source => 'BEGIN
remove_employee(p_empno => :empno);
END;',204); border-radius: 4px;">URL : http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule8/emp/
Method : DELETE
Header : Content-Type: application/json
Raw Payload: { "empno": 9999 }
$ curl -i -X DELETE --data-binary @/tmp/delete-payload.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule8/emp/
Complete Example
CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1
p_module_name => 'testmodule9',p_base_path => 'testmodule9/',p_items_per_page => 0);
p_module_name => 'testmodule9',p_pattern => 'emp/');
-- READ : All records.
p_module_name => 'testmodule9',p_items_per_page => 0);
p_module_name => 'testmodule9',p_source => 'BEGIN
create_employee (p_empno => :empno,p_items_per_page => 0);
p_module_name => 'testmodule9',p_items_per_page => 0);
p_module_name => 'testmodule9',p_items_per_page => 0);
-- READ : One Record
p_module_name => 'testmodule9',p_pattern => 'emp/:empno');
p_module_name => 'testmodule9',sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">The web service supports the following URLs,methods,headers and payloads.
READ ==== http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule9/emp/ http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule9/emp/7499 INSERT ====== URL : http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule9/emp/ Method : POST Header : Content-Type: application/json Raw Payload: { "empno": 9999,"deptno": 10 } $ curl -i -X POST --data-binary @/tmp/insert-payload.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule9/emp/ UPDATE ====== URL : http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule9/emp/ Method : PUT Header : Content-Type: application/json Raw Payload: { "empno": 9999,"deptno": 20 } $ curl -i -X PUT --data-binary @/tmp/update-payload.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule9/emp/ DELETE ====== URL : http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule9/emp/ Method : DELETE Header : Content-Type: application/json Raw Payload: { "empno": 9999 } $ curl -i -X DELETE --data-binary @/tmp/delete-payload.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://ol7-121.localdomain:8080/ords/pdb1/testuser1/testmodule9/emp/原文链接: