Oracle 实现行转列,
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select concat(id,username) str from app_user select id||username str from app_user |
实际上就是拆分字符串的问题,可以使用 substr、instr、regexp_substr函数方式
使用union all函数等方式
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create table test(id number, name varchar2(20)); insert into test values (1, 'a' ); insert into test values (1, 'b' ); insert into test values (1, 'c' ); insert into test values (2, 'd' ); insert into test values (2, 'e' ); |
效果1 : 行转列 ,默认逗号隔开
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select wm_concat( name ) name from test; |
效果2: 把结果里的逗号替换成"|"
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select replace (wm_concat( name ), ',' , '|' ) from test; |
效果3: 按ID分组合并name
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select id,wm_concat( name ) name from test group by id; |
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-------- 适用范围:8i,9i,10g及以后版本 ( MAX + DECODE ) select id, max (decode(rn,1, name , null )) || max (decode(rn,2,' || name ,3, null )) str from ( select id,row_number() over(partition by id order by name ) as rn from test) t group by id order by 1; -------- 适用范围:8i,10g及以后版本 ( ROW_NUMBER + LEAD ) select id,str from ( select id,row_number() over(partition by id order by name ) as rn, name || lead( ',1) over(partition by id order by name ) || lead( ',2) over(partition by id order by name ) || lead( ',3) over(partition by id order by name ) as str from test) where rn = 1 order by 1; -------- 适用范围:10g及以后版本 ( MODEL ) select id,substr(str,2) str from test model return updated rows partition by (id) dimension by (row_number() over(partition by id order by name ) as rn) measures ( cast ( name as varchar2(20)) as str) rules upsert iterate(3) until(presentv(str[iteration_number+2],0)=0) (str[0] = str[0] || ',' || str[iteration_number+1]) order by 1; -------- 适用范围:8i,10g及以后版本 ( MAX + DECODE ) select t.id id, max (substr(sys_connect_by_path(t. name ,' ),2)) str from ( select id,row_number() over(partition by id order by name ) rn from test) t start with rn = 1 connect by rn = prior rn + 1 and id = prior id group by t.id;</span> |
案例:我要写一个视图,类似"create or replace view as select 字段1,...字段50 from tablename",基表有50多个字段,要是靠手工写太麻烦了,有没有什么简便的方法? 当然有了,看我如果应用wm_concat来让这个需求变简单,假设我的APP_USER表中有(id,username,password,age)4个字段。查询结果如下
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/** 这里的表名默认区分大小写 */ select 'create or replace view as select ' || wm_concat(column_name) || ' from APP_USER' sqlStr from user_tab_columns where table_name= 'APP_USER' ; |
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select * from user_tab_columns |
Oracle11g 行列互换 pivot 和 unpivot 说明
在Oracle 11g中,Oracle 又增加了2个查询:pivot(行转列) 和unpivot(列转行)
google 一下,网上有一篇比较详细的文档:http://www.oracle-developer.net/display.PHP?id=506
pivot 列转行
测试数据 (id,类型名称,销售数量),案例:根据水果的类型查询出一条数据显示出每种类型的销售数量。
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create table demo(id int , name varchar (20),nums int ); ---- 创建表 insert into demo values (1, '苹果' ,1000); insert into demo values (2,2000); insert into demo values (3,4000); insert into demo values (4, '橘子' ,5000); insert into demo values (5,3000); insert into demo values (6, '葡萄' ,3500); insert into demo values (7, '芒果' ,4200); insert into demo values (8,5500); |
分组查询 (当然这是不符合查询一条数据的要求的)
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select name , sum (nums) nums from demo group by name |
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select * from ( select name ,nums from demo) pivot ( sum (nums) for name in ( '苹果' 苹果, '芒果' )); |
注意: pivot(聚合函数 for 列名 in(类型)) ,其中 in(‘’) 中可以指定别名,in中还可以指定子查询,比如 select distinct code from customers
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select * from ( select sum (nums) 苹果 from demo where name = '苹果' ),( select sum (nums) 橘子 from demo where name = '橘子' ), ( select sum (nums) 葡萄 from demo where name = '葡萄' ),( select sum (nums) 芒果 from demo where name = '芒果' ); |
unpivot 行转列
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create table Fruit(id int ,Q1 int ,Q2 int ,Q3 int ,Q4 int ); insert into Fruit values (1,1000,2000,3300,5000); insert into Fruit values (2,3000,3200,1500); insert into Fruit values (3, '香蕉' ,2500,3500,2200,2500); insert into Fruit values (4,1500,1200,3500); select * from Fruit |
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select id,jidu,xiaoshou from Fruit unpivot (xiaoshou for jidu in (q1,q2,q3,q4) ) |
注意: unpivot没有聚合函数,xiaoshou、jidu字段也是临时的变量
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select id, name , 'Q1' jidu,( select q1 from fruit where id=f.id) xiaoshou from Fruit f union select id, 'Q2' jidu,( select q2 from fruit where id=f.id) xiaoshou from Fruit f union select id, 'Q3' jidu,( select q3 from fruit where id=f.id) xiaoshou from Fruit f union select id, 'Q4' jidu,( select q4 from fruit where id=f.id) xiaoshou from Fruit f |
pivot操作中的另一个子句 XML 可用于解决此问题。该子句允许您以 XML 格式创建执行了 pivot 操作的输出,在此输出中,您可以指定一个特殊的子句 ANY 而非文字值
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select * from ( select name ,nums as "Purchase Frequency" from demo t ) pivot xml ( sum (nums) for name in ( any ) ) |
如您所见,列 NAME_XML 是 XMLTYPE,其中根元素是 <PivotSet>。每个值以名称-值元素对的形式表示。您可以使用任何 XML 分析器中的输出生成更有用的输出。
Pivot为 sql 语言增添了一个非常重要且实用的功能。您可以使用 pivot 函数针对任何关系表创建一个交叉表报表,而不必编写包含大量 decode 函数的令人费解的、不直观的代码。同样,您可以使用unpivot操作转换任何交叉表报表,以常规关系表的形式对其进行存储。Pivot可以生成常规文本或 XML 格式的输出。如果是 XML 格式的输出,您不必指定 pivot 操作需要搜索的值域。