sql> alter system set resource_limit = true;
sql> alter profile default limit password_verify_function verify_function;
# 取消Oracle密码复杂度检查:
sql> alter profile default limit password_verify_function null;
sql> SELECT profile,resource_type,resource_name,limit FROM dba_profiles WHERE resource_type='PASSWORD' AND profile='DEFAULT';
3.PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: 用户口令的生命周期。
5.PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME: 指定了口令不能重用前的天数。
6.PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX: 在达到PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME指定时间后,要再次使用同一口令前必须改变的次数。
7.PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: Oracle允许将复杂的PL/sql密码验证脚本做为参数传递给PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION。并且其自己提供了一个默认的脚本,但是用户可以创建自己的验证规则或使用第三方软件验证。
8.Password Verify Function:
When you create a password verify function for verifying the user password,this function can verify the following password characteristics:
1.The minimum number of characters for the password.
2.The characters that the password must contain,such as when a password should contain a specific number of numeric,alphabetic or special characters.
3.Whether or not the password can be the same as the username.Whether or not the new password can be similar to the prevIoUs password.