select * from table(querydb('select * from dual'))
pipelined function,但当然有一个常规的流水线功能,你需要定义输出结构,在你的情况下,它不是静态的.
sql> create type dyn_pipeline as object 2 ( 3 atype anytype,4 5 static function ODCITableDescribe(rtype out anytype,6 stmt in varchar2) 7 return number,8 9 static function ODCITablePrepare(sctx out dyn_pipeline,10 tf_info in sys.ODCITabfuncinfo,11 stmt in varchar2) 12 return number,13 14 static function ODCITableStart(sctx in out dyn_pipeline,15 stmt in varchar2) 16 return number,17 18 member function ODCITablefetch(self in out dyn_pipeline,19 nrows in number,20 rws out anydataset) 21 return number,22 23 member function ODCITableClose(self in dyn_pipeline) 24 return number 25 ); 26 /
sql> create package pkg_pipeline 2 as 3 4 /* 5 * Global Types 6 */ 7 -- Describe array. 8 type dynamic_sql_rec is record(cursor integer,9 column_cnt pls_integer,10 description dbms_sql.desc_tab2,11 execute integer); 12 -- Meta data for the ANYTYPE. 13 type anytype_Metadata_rec is record(precision pls_integer,14 scale pls_integer,15 length pls_integer,16 csid pls_integer,17 csfrm pls_integer,18 schema varchar2(30),19 type anytype,20 name varchar2(30),21 version varchar2(30),22 attr_cnt pls_integer,23 attr_type anytype,24 attr_name varchar2(128),25 typecode pls_integer); 26 27 28 /* 29 * Global Variables 30 */ 31 -- sql descriptor. 32 r_sql dynamic_sql_rec; 33 34 /* 35 * function will run the given sql 36 */ 37 function querydb(p_stmt in varchar2) 38 return anydataset pipelined using dyn_pipeline; 39 40 end pkg_pipeline; 41 / Package created.
sql> create type body dyn_pipeline 2 as 3 4 /* 5 * DESC step. this will be called at hard parse and will create 6 * a physical type in the DB Schema based on the select columns. 7 */ 8 static function ODCITableDescribe(rtype out anytype,9 stmt in varchar2) 10 return number 11 is 12 13 /* Variables */ 14 -- Type to hold the dbms_sql info (description) 15 r_sql pkg_pipeline.dynamic_sql_rec; 16 -- Type to create (has all the columns) of the sql query. 17 t_anyt anytype; 18 -- sql query that will be made up from the 2 passed in queries. 19 v_sql varchar2(32767); 20 21 begin 22 23 /* 24 * Parse the sql and describe its format and structure. 25 */ 26 v_sql := replace(stmt,';',null); 27 28 -- open,parse and discover all info about this sql. 29 r_sql.cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; 30 dbms_sql.parse( r_sql.cursor,v_sql,dbms_sql.native ); 31 dbms_sql.describe_columns2( r_sql.cursor,r_sql.column_cnt,r_sql.description ); 32 dbms_sql.close_cursor( r_sql.cursor ); 33 34 -- Start to create the physical type. 35 anytype.BeginCreate( DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_OBJECT,t_anyt ); 36 37 -- Loop through each attribute and add to the type. 38 for i in 1 .. r_sql.column_cnt 39 loop 40 41 t_anyt.AddAttr(r_sql.description(i).col_name,42 case 43 when r_sql.description(i).col_type in (1,96,11,208) 44 then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2 45 when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 2 46 then dbms_types.typecode_number 47 when r_sql.description(i).col_type in (8,112) 48 then dbms_types.typecode_clob 49 when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 12 50 then dbms_types.typecode_date 51 when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 23 52 then dbms_types.typecode_raw 53 when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 180 54 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp 55 when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 181 56 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz 57 when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 182 58 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym 59 when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 183 60 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds 61 when r_sql.description(i).col_type = 231 62 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz 63 end,64 r_sql.description(i).col_precision,65 r_sql.description(i).col_scale,66 r_sql.description(i).col_max_len,67 r_sql.description(i).col_charsetid,68 r_sql.description(i).col_charsetform ); 69 end loop; 70 71 t_anyt.EndCreate; 72 73 -- set the output type to our built type. 74 ANYTYPE.BeginCreate(dbms_types.TYPECODE_TABLE,rtype); 75 rtype.SetInfo(null,null,t_anyt,76 dbms_types.TYPECODE_OBJECT,0); 77 rtype.EndCreate(); 78 79 return ODCIConst.Success; 80 81 end ODCITableDescribe; 82 83 84 /* 85 * PREPARE step. Initialise our type. 86 */ 87 static function ODCITableprepare(sctx out dyn_pipeline,88 tf_info in sys.ODCITabfuncinfo,89 stmt in varchar2) 90 return number 91 is 92 93 /* Variables */ 94 -- Meta data. 95 r_Meta pkg_pipeline.anytype_Metadata_rec; 96 97 begin 98 99 r_Meta.typecode := tf_info.rettype.getattreleminfo( 100 1,r_Meta.precision,r_Meta.scale,r_Meta.length,101 r_Meta.csid,r_Meta.csfrm,r_Meta.type,r_Meta.name 102 ); 103 104 sctx := dyn_pipeline(r_Meta.type); 105 return odciconst.success; 106 107 end; 108 109 110 /* 111 * START step. this is where we execute the cursor prior to fetching from it. 112 */ 113 static function ODCITablestart(sctx in out dyn_pipeline,114 stmt in varchar2) 115 return number 116 is 117 118 /* Variables */ 119 r_Meta pkg_pipeline.anytype_Metadata_rec; 120 v_sql varchar2(32767); 121 begin 122 123 v_sql := replace(stmt,null); 124 pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; 125 dbms_sql.parse(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,dbms_sql.native); 126 dbms_sql.describe_columns2(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,127 pkg_pipeline.r_sql.column_cnt,128 pkg_pipeline.r_sql.description); 129 130 -- define all the columns found to let Oracle know the datatypes. 131 for i in 1..pkg_pipeline.r_sql.column_cnt 132 loop 133 134 r_Meta.typecode := sctx.atype.GetAttrElemInfo( 135 i,136 r_Meta.csid,r_Meta.name 137 ); 138 139 case r_Meta.typecode 140 when dbms_types.typecode_varchar2 141 then 142 dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,i,'',32767); 143 when dbms_types.typecode_number 144 then 145 dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,cast(null as number)); 146 when dbms_types.typecode_date 147 then 148 dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,cast(null as date)); 149 when dbms_types.typecode_raw 150 then 151 dbms_sql.define_column_raw(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,cast(null as raw),r_Meta.length); 152 when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp 153 then 154 dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,cast(null as timestamp)); 155 when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz 156 then 157 dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,cast(null as timestamp with time zone)); 158 when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz 159 then 160 dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,cast(null as timestamp with local time zone)); 161 when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym 162 then 163 dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,cast(null as interval year to month)); 164 when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds 165 then 166 dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,cast(null as interval day to second)); 167 when dbms_types.typecode_clob 168 then 169 case pkg_pipeline.r_sql.description(i).col_type 170 when 8 171 then 172 dbms_sql.define_column_long(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,i); 173 else 174 dbms_sql.define_column(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,cast(null as clob)); 175 end case; 176 end case; 177 end loop; 178 179 -- execute the sql. 180 pkg_pipeline.r_sql.execute := dbms_sql.execute(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor); 181 182 return odciconst.success; 183 184 end ODCITablestart; 185 186 187 /* 188 * FETCH step. 189 */ 190 member function ODCITablefetch(self in out dyn_pipeline,191 nrows in number,192 rws out anydataset) 193 return number 194 is 195 196 /* Variables */ 197 -- Buffers to hold values. 198 v_vc_col varchar2(32767); 199 v_num_col number; 200 v_date_col date; 201 v_raw_col raw(32767); 202 v_raw_error number; 203 v_raw_len integer; 204 v_int_ds_col interval day to second; 205 v_int_ym_col interval year to month; 206 v_ts_col timestamp; 207 v_tstz_col timestamp with time zone; 208 v_tsltz_col timestamp with local time zone; 209 v_clob_col clob; 210 v_clob_offset integer := 0; 211 v_clob_len integer; 212 -- Metadata 213 r_Meta pkg_pipeline.anytype_Metadata_rec; 214 215 begin 216 217 if dbms_sql.fetch_rows( pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor ) > 0 218 then 219 220 -- Describe to get number and types of columns. 221 r_Meta.typecode := self.atype.getinfo( 222 r_Meta.precision,223 r_Meta.csid,r_Meta.schema,224 r_Meta.name,r_Meta.version,r_Meta.attr_cnt 225 ); 226 227 anydataset.begincreate(dbms_types.typecode_object,self.atype,rws); 228 rws.addinstance(); 229 rws.piecewise(); 230 231 -- loop through each column extracting value. 232 for i in 1..pkg_pipeline.r_sql.column_cnt 233 loop 234 235 r_Meta.typecode := self.atype.getattreleminfo( 236 i,237 r_Meta.csid,r_Meta.attr_type,238 r_Meta.attr_name 239 ); 240 241 case r_Meta.typecode 242 when dbms_types.typecode_varchar2 243 then 244 dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,v_vc_col); 245 rws.setvarchar2(v_vc_col); 246 when dbms_types.typecode_number 247 then 248 dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,v_num_col); 249 rws.setnumber(v_num_col); 250 when dbms_types.typecode_date 251 then 252 dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,v_date_col); 253 rws.setdate(v_date_col); 254 when dbms_types.typecode_raw 255 then 256 dbms_sql.column_value_raw(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,v_raw_col,257 v_raw_error,v_raw_len); 258 rws.setraw(v_raw_col); 259 when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds 260 then 261 dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,v_int_ds_col); 262 rws.setintervalds(v_int_ds_col); 263 when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym 264 then 265 dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,v_int_ym_col); 266 rws.setintervalym(v_int_ym_col); 267 when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp 268 then 269 dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,v_ts_col); 270 rws.settimestamp(v_ts_col); 271 when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz 272 then 273 dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,v_tstz_col); 274 rws.settimestamptz(v_tstz_col); 275 when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz 276 then 277 dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,v_tsltz_col); 278 rws.settimestampltz(v_tsltz_col); 279 when dbms_types.typecode_clob 280 then 281 case pkg_pipeline.r_sql.description(i).col_type 282 when 8 283 then 284 loop 285 dbms_sql.column_value_long(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,32767,v_clob_offset,286 v_vc_col,v_clob_len); 287 v_clob_col := v_clob_col || v_vc_col; 288 v_clob_offset := v_clob_offset + 32767; 289 exit when v_clob_len < 32767; 290 end loop; 291 else 292 dbms_sql.column_value(pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor,v_clob_col); 293 end case; 294 rws.setclob(v_clob_col); 295 end case; 296 end loop; 297 298 rws.endcreate(); 299 300 end if; 301 302 return ODCIConst.Success; 303 304 end; 305 306 /* 307 * CLOSE step. close the cursor. 308 */ 309 member function ODCITableClose(self in dyn_pipeline) 310 return number 311 is 312 313 314 begin 315 dbms_sql.close_cursor( pkg_pipeline.r_sql.cursor ); 316 pkg_pipeline.r_sql := null; 317 return odciconst.success; 318 end ODCITableClose; 319 320 end; 321 / Type body created.
sql> select * from table(pkg_pipeline.querydb('select * from dual')); D - X sql> select * from table(pkg_pipeline.querydb('select * from v$mystat where rownum <= 2')); SID STATISTIC# VALUE ---------- ---------- ---------- 230 0 1 230 1 1