Oracle允许在表中指定TIMESTAMP类型的精度 – SECOND datetime字段的小数部分中的位数.有没有指定最大精度TIMESTAMP(9)的缺点?
--Create tables with timestamps and populate them with the same data (with different precision) --Set initial and next to a low value so we can closely check the segment size) create table timestamp1 (t1 timestamp(1),t2 timestamp(1),t3 timestamp(1),t4 timestamp(1),t5 timestamp(1)) storage(initial 65536 next 65536); insert into timestamp1 select current_timestamp(1),current_timestamp(1),current_timestamp(1) from dual connect by level <= 100000; create table timestamp9 (t1 timestamp(9),t2 timestamp(9),t3 timestamp(9),t4 timestamp(9),t5 timestamp(9)) storage(initial 65536 next 65536); insert into timestamp9 select current_timestamp(9),current_timestamp(9),current_timestamp(9) from dual connect by level <= 100000; --Segment size is identical select segment_name,bytes from dba_segments where segment_name in ('TIMESTAMP1','TIMESTAMP9'); --SEGMENT_NAME BYTES --TIMESTAMP1 8388608 --TIMESTAMP9 8388608@H_301_17@这是时间戳(9)在使用current_timestamp时更快,您可能需要在某些时候使用它来生成数据.但是我们只谈到我的慢桌面上大约0.175和0.25秒之间的差异来产生100K的时间戳.我不知道为什么时间戳(9)更快,也许时间戳总是生成为时间戳(9),然后四舍五入到其他精度?
--current_timestamp(9) is slightly faster than current_timestamp(1) select count(*) from ( select * from dual --where current_timestamp(9) = current_timestamp(9) where current_timestamp(1) = current_timestamp(1) connect by level <= 100000 );@H_301_17@编辑:性能差异存在于10g而不是11g.