假设用户A将ADT类型定义为创建或替换类型Person_type作为对象(fname varchar2(10),lname varchar2(10));并创建一个对象实例并将其插入ANYDATA.
declare adobject A.Person_type; -- HERE! I don't know the type yet,so I can't define adobject! tempAnydata anydata; rt number; vbuffer varchar2(10); ... begin select somecolumn into tempAnydata from soMetable where something='something' for update; rt := tempAnydata.GetObject(adobject); vbuffer := adobject.fname; -- HERE! I don't know the attribute name is fname! -- deal with vbuffer here end;
create or replace function get_first_attribute( p_anydata in out anydata --note the "out" - this is required for the "piecewise" ) return varchar2 is v_typecode pls_integer; v_anytype anytype; begin --Get the typecode,and the ANYTYPE v_typecode := p_anydata.getType(v_anytype); --Check that it's really an object if v_typecode = dbms_types.typecode_object then --If it is an object,find the first item declare v_first_attribute_typecode pls_integer; v_aname varchar2(32767); v_result pls_integer; v_varchar varchar2(32767); --Variables we don't really care about,but need for function output v_prec pls_integer; v_scale pls_integer; v_len pls_integer; v_csid pls_integer; v_csfrm pls_integer; v_attr_elt_type anytype; begin v_first_attribute_typecode := v_anytype.getAttrElemInfo( pos => 1,--First attribute prec => v_prec,scale => v_scale,len => v_len,csid => v_csid,csfrm => v_csfrm,attr_elt_type => v_attr_elt_type,aname => v_aname); --Check typecode of attribute if v_first_attribute_typecode = dbms_types.typecode_varchar2 then --Now that we've verified the type,get the actual value. p_anydata.piecewise; v_result := p_anydata.getVarchar2(c => v_varchar); --DEBUG: Print the attribute name,in case you're curIoUs --dbms_output.put_line('v_aname: '||v_aname); return v_varchar; else raise_application_error(-20000,'Unexpected 1st Attribute Typecode: '|| v_first_attribute_typecode); end if; end; else raise_application_error(-20000,'Unexpected Typecode: '||v_typecode); end if; end; /
create or replace type Person_type as object (fname varchar2(10),lname varchar2(10)); create or replace type other_type as object (first_name varchar2(10),poetry clob);
declare --Create records v_type1 person_type := person_type('Ford','Prefect'); v_type2 other_type := other_type('Paula','blah blah...'); v_anydata anydata; begin --Convert to ANYDATA. --Works as long as ANYDATA is an object with a varchar2 as the first attribute. v_anydata := anydata.convertObject(v_type1); dbms_output.put_line(get_first_attribute(v_anydata)); v_anydata := anydata.convertObject(v_type2); dbms_output.put_line(get_first_attribute(v_anydata)); end; /
Ford Paula