Oracle PL / SQL脚本中的斜杠字符是错误的吗?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Oracle PL / SQL脚本中的斜杠字符是错误的吗?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我正在为我的公司编写一系列用Oracle PL / sql编写的sql脚本.我遇到了一个基本的脚本,底部附近有一个奇怪的斜线.它以这种方式检入CVS.这是纯语法错误还是它有一些我不知道的功能.稍微混淆的脚本: @H_404_1@set serveroutput on size 2000; --PL/sql block to link ISSN in serial base on a company's ISSN text file declare cursor ItemCursor is select issn is2 from web.obfuscated1 where issn is not null union select eissn is2 from web.obfuscated1 where eissn is not null; cursor ItemCursor1(aIS varchar2) is select obfuscated1_uid from web.obfuscated1 where group_num is null and issn in ( select distinct issn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = aIS or eissn = aIS union select distinct eissn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = aIS or eissn = aIS ) union select obfuscated1_uid from web.obfuscated1 where eissn in ( select distinct issn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = aIS or eissn = aIS union select distinct eissn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = aIS or eissn = aIS ); cursor ItemCursor2(aIS9 varchar2) is select obfuscated1_uid from web.obfuscated1 where issn in ( select distinct issn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = aIS9 or eissn = aIS9 union select distinct eissn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = aIS9 or eissn = aIS9 ) and group_num is null; agroup number(8); processCount number(8); ------------------------------------------------------ -- MAIN BLOCK ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- begin processCount := 0; agroup := null; for itemRec in ItemCursor loop agroup := null; begin select group_num into agroup from web.obfuscated1 where issn in ( select distinct issn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = itemRec.is2 or eissn = itemRec.is2 union select distinct eissn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = itemRec.is2 or eissn = itemRec.is2 ) and group_num is not null and issn is not null and eissn is not null and rownum <= 1; exception when no_data_found then agroup := null; when others then agroup := null; end; if agroup is not null then for itemRec2 in ItemCursor2(itemRec.is2) loop update web.obfuscated1 set group_num = agroup where obfuscated1_uid = itemRec2.obfuscated1_uid; commit; end loop; else processCount := processCount + 1; for itemRec1 in ItemCursor1(itemRec.is2) loop update web.obfuscated1 set group_num = processCount where obfuscated1_uid = itemRec1.obfuscated1_uid; commit; end loop; commit; end if; end loop; dbms_output.put_line('Total record read: ' || processCount); exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('ORA' || sqlcode); dbms_output.put_line(substr(sqlerrm,1,255)); dbms_output.put_line('ORA- Error during processing ' ); end; / exit;
斜线有 a meaning

Executes the most recently executed sql command or PL/sql block which is stored in the sql buffer. You can enter a slash (/) at the command prompt or at a line number prompt of a multi-line command. The slash command functions similarly to RUN,but does not list the command.
