(Oracle PL / sql)
DECLARE v_sql_errm varchar2(2048); BEGIN UPDATE my_table SET my_column = do_something(my_column) WHERE my_column IS NOT NULL; EXCEPTION when others then -- How can I obtain the row/value causing the error (unknown)? v_sql_errm := sqlERRM; insert into log_error (msg) values ('Error updating value (unknown): '|| v_sql_errm); END;@H_404_4@在异常块中是否有任何方法可以确定查询遇到错误的行/值?我希望能够记录它,以便我可以进入并修改/更正导致错误的特定数据值.
sql> create table my_table (my_column) 2 as 3 select level from dual connect by level <= 9 4 / Table created. sql> create function do_something 2 ( p_my_column in my_table.my_column%type 3 ) return my_table.my_column%type 4 is 5 begin 6 return 10 + p_my_column; 7 end; 8 / Function created. sql> alter table my_table add check (my_column not in (12,14)) 2 / Table altered. sql> declare 2 e_forall_error exception; 3 pragma exception_init(e_forall_error,-24381) 4 ; 5 type t_my_columns is table of my_table.my_column%type; 6 a_my_columns t_my_columns := t_my_columns() 7 ; 8 begin 9 select my_column 10 bulk collect into a_my_columns 11 from my_table 12 ; 13 forall i in 1..a_my_columns.count save exceptions 14 update my_table 15 set my_column = do_something(a_my_columns(i)) 16 where my_column = a_my_columns(i) 17 ; 18 exception 19 when e_forall_error then 20 for i in 1..sql%bulk_exceptions.count 21 loop 22 dbms_output.put_line(a_my_columns(sql%bulk_exceptions(i).error_index)); 23 end loop; 24 end; 25 / 2 4 PL/sql procedure successfully completed.@H_404_4@对于非常大的数据集,您可能不希望炸毁PGA内存,因此在这种情况下一定要使用LIMIT子句.