Oracle sql合并插入和删除但不更新

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Oracle sql合并插入和删除但不更新前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。




create table every_value ( the_value varchar2(32) );
create table paired_value ( the_id number,a_value varchar2(32),dummy number default 0 );
-- the_id is a foreign_key to a row in another table

insert into every_value ( the_value ) values ( 'aaa' );
insert into every_value ( the_value ) values ( 'abc' );
insert into every_value ( the_value ) values ( 'ace' );
insert into every_value ( the_value ) values ( 'adg' );
insert into every_value ( the_value ) values ( 'aei' );
insert into every_value ( the_value ) values ( 'afk' );

-- pair ace and afk with id 3
merge into paired_value p using every_value e
on ( p.the_id = 3 and p.a_value = e.the_value )
when matched then update set dummy=dummy+1
delete where a_value not in ('ace','afk')
when not matched then insert (the_id,a_value)
values (3,e.the_value)
where e.the_value in ('ace','afk');

-- pair ace and aei with id 3
-- should remove afk,add aei,do nothing with ace
merge into paired_value p using every_value e
on ( p.the_id = 3 and p.a_value = e.the_value )
when matched then update set dummy = dummy+1
delete where a_value not in ('ace','aei')
when not matched then insert (the_id,'aei');

-- pair aaa and adg with id 4
merge into paired_value p using every_value e
on ( p.the_id = 4 and p.a_value = e.the_value )
when matched then update set dummy = dummy+1
delete where a_value not in ('aaa','adg')
when not matched then insert (the_id,a_value)
values (4,e.the_value)
where e.the_value in ('aaa','adg');

select * from paired_value;

我已经在oracle 10g中试过了,而这个sqlfiddle,oracle 11g.


Specify the DELETE where_clause to clean up data in a table while
populating or updating it. The only rows affected by this clause are
those rows in the destination table that are updated by the merge
. The DELETE WHERE condition evaluates the updated value,not
the original value that was evaluated by the UPDATE SET … WHERE
condition. If a row of the destination table meets the DELETE
condition but is not included in the join defined by the ON clause,
then it is not deleted. Any delete triggers defined on the target
table will be activated for each row deletion.

这意味着必须更新行. Hovewer,您不需要更新所有行,UPDATE后使用与DELETE中使用的相同的WHERE子句

when matched then update set dummy=dummy
    where a_value not in ('ace','afk')
    where a_value not in ('ace','afk')
