【读书笔记】Core Java for the Impatient 第一章

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了【读书笔记】Core Java for the Impatient 第一章前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


Never use the == operator to compare strings. The comparison

location == "World" // Don’t do that!

returns true only if location and "World" are the same object in memory.

When comparing a string against a literal string,it is a good idea to put the literal
string first:

This test works correctly even when location is null.

Input and Output

To read a password,you do not want to use the Scanner class since the input is
visible in the terminal. Instead,use the Console class:

Console terminal = System.console();
String username = terminal.readLine(“User name: “);
char[] passwd = terminal.readPassword(“Password: “);

The password is returned in an array of characters. This is marginally more secure
than storing the password in a String because you can overwrite the array when
you are done.



you want to jump to the end of another enclosing statement,use a labeled break statement. Label the statement that should be exited,and provide the label with the break like this:

while (…) {
    while (…) {
        if (…) break outer;
// Labeled break jumps here

A regular break can only be used to exit a loop or switch,but a labeled break can
transfer control to the end of any statement,even a block statement:

exit: {
    if (…) break exit;
// Labeled break jumps here

The Enhanced for Loop

You can use the enhanced for loop with array and array lists.


When that array becomes too small or is insufficiently utilized,another
internal array is automatically created,and the elements are moved into it.

Wrapper Classes for Primitive Types

Just like with strings,you need to remember to call the equals method with
wrapper objects.

Command-Line Arguments

If the program is called as

java Greeting -g cruel world

then args[0] is "-g",args[1] is "cruel",and args[2] is "world".
Note that neither "java" nor "Greeting" are passed to the main method.

