13-unit-3 Contributing to society

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了13-unit-3 Contributing to society前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

Lession 1 Discussing needs in your community


vandalism the crime of deatroying or damaging something,especially public property,deliberately故意破坏
graffiti drawings or writing on a wall or other surface in a public place涂鸦
gang a group of people who join together and sometimes cause trouble or fight other groups帮派
revitalize to make something stronger or healthier恢复元气
initiative a new plan for a particular problem or purpose倡议
cleanupthe process of cleaning up an area清理
combatto fight against something 对付
dilapidated old and in bad condition破旧的
neglected not having received enough care疏于照管的

1.2 Acknowledging others' points

1.That does certainly seem to be the case.那看上去确实是这样
2.That's a valid point you brought up.你提出了一个合理的论点
3.I'd definitely say so.我会肯定是我说是这样
4.You hit the nail on the head there.你说的一针见血
5.I'm in complete agreement with you about that.我完全同意你的意见

1.3 Adding to other people's points

6.I'd like to add that people will feel that area is neglected.我想补充的是人们会觉得这个区域被忽略了
7.And on top of that,we might want to start a neighborhood watch.除此之外,我们可能要开始邻里守望
8.To take that one step further,we should in form everyone about the neighborhood watch.进一步地说,我们应该通知每个人有关邻里守望的事

Lession 2 Talking about humanitarian efforts

2.1 Prefixes and suffixes

advantaged - disadvantaged
sufficient - insufficient 足够的 - 不足的
literate - illiterate 识字的 - 文盲的
probable - improbable
regular - irregular 规则的 - 不规则的
nourished - undernourished 营养良好的 - 营养不良的
populated - overpopulated 人口密集的 - 人口过多的
home - homeless 家 - 无家可归的

2.2 Using approximate statistics

1.The population of homeless people was in the region of 0.6 million to 0.7 million in 2013.
2.Figures suggest that as many as a hundred million people worldwide are homeless.
3.That's something like 800 million people suffering from insufficient food.
4.It was found that approximately 750 million adults in the world were illiterate.
5.The World Food Organization estimates that more than 10 percent of the starving people it helps live in urban areas.城市区域
6.If I remember correctly,it was over 1 million people.
7.It seems that they occur in every single country all over the world.
8.It appears that this doesn't happen only in disadvantaged areas.

2.3 Citing sources引用来源

I was listening....
I was watching...
Was it....
I remember reading somewhere

Lession 3 Talking about making an impact

3.1 Speaking engagingly魅力讲话

1.You have a wonderful opportunity to weave doing good into your culture.你有一个极好的机会来编织善行到你的文化中
2.His plan totally backfired.他的计划完全失败了
3.To succeed spectacularly,you need to be willing to fail spectaculary.要巨大的成功,你需要愿意去巨大的失败
4.People are basically good,and if you give them the right tools,they will prove that to you every single day.
5.We want nothing but the best for our customers.
6.I'm more than willing to transform the company into one that bebefits not only the stakeholder but also the general public.非常愿意

3.2 Giving softened advice 给出软化的建议

7.I'd actually look into micro-giving.
8.We both know that a simple act of kindness can make a big difference.
9.Have you condidered volunteering with local nonprofits?
10.Right. What if you find a program you're interested in and aks them?
11.Maybe you could try going on a volunteer holiday?
12.Every bit counts.每一点都有用
13.You never know.

Lession 4 Writing to argue or persuade

4.1 CSR language企业社会责任语言 corporate social responsibility

1.We should comform to social expectations.我们应该顺应社会的期望
2.All companies have moral responsibilities.
3.CSR is just a publicity stunt for shareholders.企业社会责任只是股东们的一种宣传虚头。
4.It's just a marketing device.这只是一种营销手段
5.It's an attempt to manipulate public perception.这是操纵公众看法的一种尝试
6.Companies want to `maintain a positive public image.
7.The company is recognized for ensuring fail benefits for its staff.确保员工合理利益
8.Better benefits lead to less turnover and higher productivity.
9.Companies have an obligation to operate sustainably.公司有可持续运营的义务

4.2 Writing to persuade 写作来说服


4.3 Making concessions and refuting让步和反驳

10.Critics may argue it's too expensive for a company to give back to the public. However..
11.Some people believe that CSR is too expensive. On the other hand...
12.One common argument against CSR is that it's too time consuming. I don't agree...太耗时
14.While it might be true that CSR can be expensive,we need to take into consideration its obvIoUs benefits to companies.
15.Although CSR may take away some time from employees' work responsibilities,it's also evident that it gives employees a sense of satisfaction.
