sql – select子句中多个set-returns函数的预期行为是什么?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了sql – select子句中多个set-returns函数的预期行为是什么?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


postgres=# SELECT generate_series(1,3),generate_series(5,7) order by 1,2;
 generate_series | generate_series 
               1 |               5
               2 |               6
               3 |               7
(3 rows)


postgres=# SELECT generate_series(1,2),2;
 generate_series | generate_series 
               1 |               5
               1 |               6
               1 |               7
               2 |               5
               2 |               6
               2 |               7
(6 rows)



postgres=# SELECT generate_series(1,2) x,generate_series(1,4) y order by x,y;
 x | y 
 1 | 1
 1 | 3
 2 | 2
 2 | 4
(4 rows)



Postgres 10或更新


SELECT generate_series( 1,2) AS row2,generate_series(11,13) AS row3,generate_series(21,24) AS row4;
row2 | row3 | row4
   1 |   11 |   21
   2 |   12 |   22
null |   13 |   23
null | null |   24

dbfiddle here

The manual for Postgres 10

If there is more than one set-returning function in the query’s select
list,the behavior is similar to what you get from putting the
functions into a single LATERAL ROWS FROM( ... ) FROM-clause item. For
each row from the underlying query,there is an output row using the
first result from each function,then an output row using the second
result,and so on. If some of the set-returning functions produce
fewer outputs than others,null values are substituted for the missing
data,so that the total number of rows emitted for one underlying row
is the same as for the set-returning function that produced the most
outputs. Thus the set-returning functions run “in lockstep” until they
are all exhausted,and then execution continues with the next
underlying row.


Postgres 9.6或更高版本

结果行的数量(有点令人惊讶!)是同一SELECT列表中所有集合的最低公倍数. (如果所有设置大小都没有公约数,则只有CROSS JOIN!)演示:

SELECT generate_series( 1,24) AS row4;
row2 | row3 | row4
   1 |   11 |   21
   2 |   12 |   22
   1 |   13 |   23
   2 |   11 |   24
   1 |   12 |   21
   2 |   13 |   22
   1 |   11 |   23
   2 |   12 |   24
   1 |   13 |   21
   2 |   11 |   22
   1 |   12 |   23
   2 |   13 |   24

dbfiddle here

记录于manual for Postgres 9.6 the chapter SQL Functions Returning Sets,以及避免它的建议:

Note: The key problem with using set-returning functions in the select
list,rather than the FROM clause,is that putting more than one
set-returning function in the same select list does not behave very
sensibly. (What you actually get if you do so is a number of output
rows equal to the least common multiple of the numbers of rows
produced by each set-returning function.
) The LATERAL Syntax produces
less surprising results when calling multiple set-returning functions,
and should usually be used instead.




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> What is the difference between LATERAL and a subquery in PostgreSQL?
