--here's my data,you have different systems,the time of measurement,and the actual measurement --as well,the raw data has whether or not it's a repeat (hense the included window function select * into temporary table cumulative_repeat_calculator_data FROM ( select system_measured,time_of_measurement,measurement,case when measurement = lag(measurement,1) over (partition by system_measured order by time_of_measurement asc) then 1 else 0 end as repeat FROM ( SELECT 5 as measurement,1 as time_of_measurement,1 as system_measured UNION SELECT 150 as measurement,2 as time_of_measurement,1 as system_measured UNION SELECT 5 as measurement,3 as time_of_measurement,4 as time_of_measurement,2 as system_measured UNION SELECT 5 as measurement,2 as system_measured UNION SELECT 150 as measurement,5 as time_of_measurement,6 as time_of_measurement,7 as time_of_measurement,8 as time_of_measurement,2 as system_measured ) as data ) as data; --unfortunately you can't have window functions within window functions,so I had to break it down into subquery --what we need is something to partion on,the 'state' of the system if you will,so I ran a running total of the nonrepeats --this creates a row that stays the same when your data is repeating - aka something you can partition/group on select * into temporary table cumulative_repeat_calculator_step_1 FROM ( select *,sum(case when repeat = 0 then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by system_measured order by time_of_measurement asc) as cumlative_sum_of_nonrepeats_by_system from cumulative_repeat_calculator_data order by system_measured,time_of_measurement ) as data; --finally,the query. I didn't bother showing my desired output,because this (finally) got it --I wanted a sequential count of repeats that restarts when it stops repeating,and starts with the first repeat --what you can do now is take the average measurement under some condition based on how long it was repeating,for example select *,case when repeat = 0 then 0 else row_number() over (partition by cumlative_sum_of_nonrepeats_by_system,system_measured order by time_of_measurement) - 1 end as ordered_repeat from cumulative_repeat_calculator_step_1 order by system_measured,time_of_measurement@H_301_2@那么,为了在巨大的桌子上运行它,或者你会使用什么替代工具,你会采取哪些不同的做法?我正在考虑plpgsql,因为我怀疑这需要在数据库中完成,或者在数据插入过程中,尽管我通常在数据加载后处理它.有没有办法在一次扫描中得到这个而不诉诸子查询? @H_301_2@我已经测试了一种替代方法,但它仍然依赖于子查询,我认为这更快.对于该方法,您可以使用start_timestamp,end_timestamp,system创建“启动和停止”表.然后你加入更大的表,如果时间戳在那些之间,你将它归类为处于该状态,这实际上是cumlative_sum_of_nonrepeats_by_system的替代.但是当你这样做时,你加入1 = 1的数千个设备和数千或数百万’事件’.你认为这是一个更好的方式吗?
@H_301_2@首先,一个更有用的方式来呈现您的数据 – 甚至更好,在sqlfiddle中,准备好玩:
CREATE TEMP TABLE data( system_measured int,time_of_measurement int,measurement int ); INSERT INTO data VALUES (1,1,5),(1,2,150),3,4,(2,5,6,7,8,5);@H_301_2@简化查询 @H_301_2@由于目前尚不清楚,我只假设上述情况.
WITH x AS ( SELECT *,CASE WHEN lag(measurement) OVER (PARTITION BY system_measured ORDER BY time_of_measurement) = measurement THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS step FROM data ),y AS ( SELECT *,sum(step) OVER(PARTITION BY system_measured ORDER BY time_of_measurement) AS grp FROM x ) SELECT *,row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY system_measured,grp ORDER BY time_of_measurement) - 1 AS repeat_ct FROM y ORDER BY system_measured,time_of_measurement;@H_301_2@现在,虽然使用纯sql一切都很好,但是使用plpgsql函数会更快,因为它可以在单个表扫描中执行此操作,此查询至少需要三次扫描. @H_301_2@使用plpgsql函数更快:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION x.f_repeat_ct() RETURNS TABLE ( system_measured int,measurement int,repeat_ct int ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $func$ DECLARE r data; -- table name serves as record type r0 data; BEGIN -- SET LOCAL work_mem = '1000 MB'; -- uncomment an adapt if needed,see below! repeat_ct := 0; -- init FOR r IN SELECT * FROM data d ORDER BY d.system_measured,d.time_of_measurement LOOP IF r.system_measured = r0.system_measured AND r.measurement = r0.measurement THEN repeat_ct := repeat_ct + 1; -- start new array ELSE repeat_ct := 0; -- start new count END IF; RETURN QUERY SELECT r.*,repeat_ct; r0 := r; -- remember last row END LOOP; END $func$;@H_301_2@呼叫:
SELECT * FROM x.f_repeat_ct();@H_301_2@确保在这种plpgsql函数中始终对列名进行表限定,因为我们使用相同的名称作为输出参数,如果不合格则优先使用. @H_301_2@数十亿行 @H_301_2@如果您有数十亿行,则可能需要将此操作拆分.我引用手册here:
@H_301_2@Note: The current implementation of@H_301_2@考虑一次计算一个系统的行,或者为work_mem设置足够高的值以应对负载.请按照报价中提供的链接了解有关work_mem的更多信息. @H_301_2@一种方法是在函数中使用RETURN NEXT
stores the entire result set before returning from the function,as
discussed above. That means that if a PL/pgsql function produces a
very large result set,performance might be poor: data will be written
to disk to avoid memory exhaustion,but the function itself will not
return until the entire result set has been generated. A future
version of PL/pgsql might allow users to define set-returning
functions that do not have this limitation. Currently,the point at
which data begins being written to disk is controlled by the 07002
configuration variable. Administrators who have sufficient memory to
store larger result sets in memory should consider increasing this