SELECT Inventory.itemid AS ItemID,SUM(Inventory.Totalunits) AS Individual_MonthQty,MONTH(Inventory.dadded) AS Individual_MonthAsNumber,DATENAME(MONTH,Inventory.dadded) AS Individual_MonthAsString FROM Inventory WHERE Inventory.invtype = 'Shipment' AND Inventory.dadded >= @StartRange AND Inventory.dadded <= @EndRange GROUP BY Inventory.ItemID,MONTH(Inventory.dadded),Inventory.dadded)
ItemID Kit_MonthQty Kit_MonthAsNumber Kit_MonthAsString 13188 234 8 August 13188 45 9 September 13188 61 10 October 13188 20 12 December
ItemID Kit_MonthQty Kit_MonthAsNumber Kit_MonthAsString 13188 0 1 January 13188 0 2 February 13188 0 3 March 13188 0 4 April 13188 0 5 May 13188 0 6 June 13188 0 7 July 13188 234 8 August 13188 45 9 September 13188 61 10 October 13188 0 11 November 13188 20 12 December
CREATE TABLE #AllDates (ThisDate datetime null) SET @CurrentDate = @StartRange -- insert all dates into temp table WHILE @CurrentDate <= @EndRange BEGIN INSERT INTO #AllDates values(@CurrentDate) SET @CurrentDate = dateadd(mm,1,@CurrentDate) END
SELECT ALLItems.ItemId,SUM(COALESCE(Inventory.Qty,0)) AS Individual_MonthQty,MONTH(#AllDates.ThisDate) AS Individual_MonthAsNumber,#AllDates.ThisDate) AS Individual_MonthAsString FROM #AllDates JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT dbo.Inventory.ItemId FROM dbo.Inventory) AS ALLItems ON 1 = 1 LEFT JOIN Inventory ON DATEADD(dd,- DAY(Inventory.dadded) +1,Inventory.dadded) = #AllDates.ThisDate AND ALLItems.ItemId = dbo.Inventory.ItemId WHERE #AllDates.ThisDate >= @StartRange AND #AllDates.ThisDate <= @EndRange GROUP BY ALLItems.ItemId,#AllDates.ThisDate