StackOverflow和各种博客上的类似问题表明,运行ALTER TABLE T WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT C应该导致is_disabled = 0和is_not_trusted = 0,但is_not_trusted对我来说总是1.我究竟做错了什么?
我试图将示例代码放在sql Fiddle上,但它不喜欢“DBCC”命令,所以这里是:
-- "_Scratch" is just a sandBox DB that I use for testing stuff. USE _Scratch CREATE TABLE dbo.Product ( ProductKeyId INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,Description VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL ) CREATE TABLE dbo.Sale ( ProductKeyId INT NOT NULL,SaleTime DATETIME NOT NULL,Value MONEY NOT NULL ) ALTER TABLE dbo.Sale WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Product_ProductKeyId FOREIGN KEY (ProductKeyId) REFERENCES dbo.Product (ProductKeyId) NOT FOR REPLICATION; ALTER TABLE dbo.Sale NOCHECK CONSTRAINT FK_Product_ProductKeyId INSERT INTO dbo.Product VALUES (1,'Food') INSERT INTO dbo.Sale VALUES (1,GETDATE(),1.00) -- Check the disabled/trusted state SELECT name,is_disabled,is_not_trusted FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE name = 'FK_Product_ProductKeyId' -- name is_disabled is_not_trusted -- FK_Product_ProductKeyId 1 1 -- Check the FK_Product_ProductKeyId constraint DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS('FK_Product_ProductKeyId') -- DBCC execution completed. -- If DBCC printed error messages,contact your system administrator. -- Check all constraints on Sale table DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS('Sale') -- DBCC execution completed. -- If DBCC printed error messages,contact your system administrator. -- Add the constraint and check existing data ALTER TABLE Sale WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT FK_Product_ProductKeyId -- Check the disabled/trusted state SELECT name,is_not_trusted FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE name = 'FK_Product_ProductKeyId' -- name is_disabled is_not_trusted -- FK_Product_ProductKeyId 0 1 -- Check the FK_Product_ProductKeyId constraint DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS('FK_Product_ProductKeyId') -- DBCC execution completed. -- If DBCC printed error messages,contact your system administrator.
看起来如果使用NOT FOR REPLICATION创建约束,它始终不受信任.
引自Books Online:
In some cases,it is desirable for user activity in a replication@H_502_13@ topology to be treated differently from agent activity. For example,@H_502_13@ if a row is inserted by a user at the Publisher and that insert@H_502_13@ satisfies a check constraint on the table,it might not be required to@H_502_13@ enforce the same constraint when the row is inserted by a replication@H_502_13@ agent at the Subscriber. The NOT FOR REPLICATION option allows you to@H_502_13@ specify that the following database objects are treated differently@H_502_13@ when a replication agent performs an operation:
Foreign key constraints
The foreign key constraint is not enforced when a replication agent@H_502_13@ performs an insert,update,or delete operation.
SELECT name,is_not_trusted FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE name = 'FK_Product_ProductKeyId' name is_disabled is_not_trusted FK_Product_ProductKeyId 0 1 INSERT INTO dbo.Sale VALUES (2,1.00) Msg 547,Level 16,State 0,Line 1 The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Product_ProductKeyId". The conflict occurred in database "_Scratch",table "dbo.Product",column 'ProductKeyId'. The statement has been terminated.
如果您仍然希望看到IS_NOT_TRUSTED = 0以便高枕无忧,那么只需重新创建外键,而不要使用NOT FOR REPLICATION.