columnType.setOnEditCommit(new EventHandler<TableColumn.CellEditEvent<UserDetails,String>>() { @Override public void handle(TableColumn.CellEditEvent<UserDetails,String> event) { updataData(); } }); tableview.setItems(null); tableview.setItems(data); } public void updataData() { Connection connection = null; try { connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:MysqL://","FYS","Kcj8g87~"); Statement con = connection.createStatement(); //connection TablePosition pos = tableview.getSelectionModel().getSelectedCells().get(0); int row = pos.getRow(); TableColumn col = pos.getTableColumn(); String data1 = (String) col.getCellObservableValue(row).getValue(); //cell UserDetails row1 = tableview.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); c1 = row1.getId(); //row //tableview variables con.execute("UPDATE gevonden_bagage SET type = 'data1' WHERE koffer_id = 'c1' "); //Query } catch (sqlException ex) { System.err.println("Error" + ex); } } //get connection,get celldata,get id data from first row,update cell with selected id
package simple; import java.net.URL; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.sqlException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.fxml.Initializable; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn; import javafx.scene.control.TablePosition; import javafx.scene.control.TableView; import javafx.scene.control.cell.PropertyValueFactory; import javafx.scene.control.cell.TextFieldTableCell; /** * * @author admin */ public class FXMLUserController extends SimpleController implements Initializable { @FXML public TableView<UserDetails> tableview; @FXML public TableColumn<UserDetails,String> columnId; @FXML public TableColumn<UserDetails,String> columnType; @FXML public TableColumn<UserDetails,String> columnKleur; @FXML public TableColumn<UserDetails,String> columnLuchthaven; @FXML public TableColumn<UserDetails,String> columnKenmerken; @FXML public TableColumn<UserDetails,String> columnStatus; @FXML public TableColumn<UserDetails,String> columnDatum; @FXML private Button btnLoad; //declare observable list for database data private ObservableList<UserDetails> data; private DbConnection dc; String c1; @FXML //strings for getRow method @Override public void initialize(URL url,ResourceBundle rb) { dc = new DbConnection(); loadDataFromDatabase(); } @FXML public void loadDataFromDatabase() { try { Connection conn = dc.Connect(); data = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); // Execute query and store result in a resultset ResultSet rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery("SELECT * FROM gevonden_bagage"); while (rs.next()) { //get strings data.add(new UserDetails(rs.getString(1),rs.getString(2),rs.getString(3),rs.getString(4),rs.getString(5),rs.getString(6),rs.getString(7))); } } catch (sqlException ex) { System.err.println("Error" + ex); } //Set cell values to tableview. tableview.setEditable(true); tableview.getSelectionModel().setCellSelectionEnabled(true); columnType.setCellFactory(TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn()); columnKleur.setCellFactory(TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn()); columnLuchthaven.setCellFactory(TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn()); columnKenmerken.setCellFactory(TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn()); columnStatus.setCellFactory(TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn()); columnDatum.setCellFactory(TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn()); //makes columns editable columnId.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("id")); columnType.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("type")); columnKleur.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("kleur")); columnLuchthaven.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("luchthaven")); columnKenmerken.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("kenmerken")); columnStatus.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("status")); columnDatum.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("datum")); columnType.setOnEditCommit(new EventHandler<TableColumn.CellEditEvent<UserDetails,update cell with selected id @FXML public void getRow() { TablePosition pos = tableview.getSelectionModel().getSelectedCells().get(0); int row = pos.getRow(); TableColumn col = pos.getTableColumn(); // this gives the value in the selected cell: String data1 = (String) col.getCellObservableValue(row).getValue(); System.out.println(data1); //CURRENTLY UNUSED METHOD } }
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleStringProperty; import javafx.beans.property.StringProperty; /** * * @author admin */ public class UserDetails { private final StringProperty id; private final StringProperty type; private final StringProperty kleur; private final StringProperty luchthaven; private final StringProperty kenmerken; private final StringProperty status; private final StringProperty datum; //Default constructor public UserDetails(String id,String type,String kleur,String luchthaven,String kenmerken,String status,String datum) { this.id = new SimpleStringProperty(id); this.type = new SimpleStringProperty(type); this.kleur = new SimpleStringProperty(kleur); this.luchthaven = new SimpleStringProperty(luchthaven); this.kenmerken = new SimpleStringProperty(kenmerken); this.status = new SimpleStringProperty(status); this.datum = new SimpleStringProperty(datum); } //getters public String getId() { return id.get(); } public String getType() { return type.get(); } public String getKleur() { return kleur.get(); } public String getLuchthaven() { return luchthaven.get(); } public String getKenmerken() { return kenmerken.get(); } public String getStatus() { return status.get(); } public String getDatum() { return datum.get(); } //setters public void setId(String value) { id.set(value); } public void setType(String value) { type.set(value); } public void setKleur(String value) { kleur.set(value); } public void setLuchthaven(String value) { luchthaven.set(value); } public void setKenmerken(String value) { kenmerken.set(value); } public void setStatus(String value) { status.set(value); } public void setDatum(String value) { datum.set(value); } //property values public StringProperty idProperty() { return id; } public StringProperty typeProperty() { return type; } public StringProperty kleurProperty() { return kleur; } public StringProperty luchthavenProperty() { return luchthaven; } public StringProperty kenmerkenProperty() { return kenmerken; } public StringProperty statusProperty() { return status; } public StringProperty datumProperty() { return datum; } }
By default the TableColumn edit commit handler is non-null,with a
default handler that attempts to overwrite the property value for the
item in the currently-being-edited row. It is able to do this as the
Cell.commitEdit(Object) method is passed in the new value,and this is
passed along to the edit commit handler via the CellEditEvent that is
fired. It is simply a matter of calling
TableColumn.CellEditEvent.getNewValue() to retrieve this value.It is very important to note that if you call
TableColumn.setOnEditCommit(javafx.event.EventHandler) with your own
EventHandler,then you will be removing the default handler. Unless
you then handle the writeback to the property (or the relevant data
source),nothing will happen.
String data1 = (String) col.getCellObservableValue(row).getValue();
这是一个修复,以及代码的一些简化和一些避免SQL injection attacks的更好的实践:
columnType.setOnEditCommit(event -> { UserDetails user = event.getRowValue(); user.setType(event.getNewValue()); updateData("type",event.getNewValue(),user.getId()); });
private void updateData(String column,String newValue,String id) { // btw it is way better to keep the connection open while the app is running,// and just close it when the app shuts down.... // the following "try with resources" at least makes sure things are closed: try ( Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:MysqL://","Kcj8g87~"); PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE gevonden_bagage SET "+column+" = ? WHERE koffer_id = ? "); ) { stmt.setString(1,newValue); stmt.setString(2,id); stmt.execute(); } catch (sqlException ex) { System.err.println("Error"); // if anything goes wrong,you will need the stack trace: ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } }