alter FUNCTION [Kuri].[fnGetAge](@kuri_cust_Id int,@amt decimal) RETURNS SMALLINT AS BEGIN DECLARE @isVallid bit = 0 declare @payed decimal(14,2) declare @totaltillnow decimal(14,2) select @payed = isnull(SUM(Payment.amt),0) from Kuri.Payment where Payment.Kuri_Cust_ID = @kuri_Cust_id select @totaltillnow = isnull(SUM(NextLotAmount),0) from Kuri.Kuri_GivenDetails inner join Kuri.kuri_Customer on Kuri_GivenDetails.kuri_Id = kuri_Customer.kuri_ID where kuri_Customer.kuri_Cust_id = @kuri_Cust_id if((@payed + @amt) < @totaltillnow) set @isVallid = 1 RETURN @isVallid END; GO ALTER TABLE [Kuri].[Payment] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT PaymentCheck CHECK (kuri.fnGetAge(kuri_Cust_ID,amt) >= 1 ) GO
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint
“PaymentCheck”. The conflict occurred in database “MERP”,table
CREATE TABLE [Kuri].[Payment]( [payment_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[payment_Date] [date] NOT NULL,[bill_No] [nvarchar](25) NOT NULL,[Kuri_Cust_ID] [int] NOT NULL,[vr_ID] [int] NOT NULL,[amt] [decimal](14,2) NULL,[created_ID] [int] NULL,[created_Date] [datetime] NULL,[modified_ID] [int] NULL,[modified_Date] [datetime] NULL,[authorized_ID] [int] NULL,[authorized_Date] [datetime] NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_Payment] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([payment_ID] ASC) ALTER TABLE [Kuri].[Payment] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Payment_kuri_Customer] FOREIGN KEY([Kuri_Cust_ID]) REFERENCES [Kuri].[kuri_Customer] ([Kuri_Cust_ID]) ALTER TABLE [Kuri].[Payment] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Payment_kuri_Customer]