我在表Sessions和用户之间有一个外键约束.具体来说,Sessions.UID = Users.ID.有时我希望Sessions.UID为空.这可以允许吗任何时候我尝试这样做,我得到一个FK约束违规.
具体来说,我通过LINQ将一行插入Sessions.我设置了Session.User = null;我收到这个错误:
An attempt was made to remove a relationship between a User and a Session. However,one of the relationship's foreign keys (Session.UID) cannot be set to null.
Value cannot be null. Parameter name: cons
我似乎记得创建一个可空的FK之前,所以我打了一个快速测试.如下所示,它绝对可以(在MSsql 2005上测试).
CREATE DATABASE [NullableFKTest] GO USE [NullableFKTest] GO CREATE TABLE OneTable ( OneId [int] NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_OneTable] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [OneId] ASC ) ) CREATE TABLE ManyTable (ManyId [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,OneId [int] NULL) GO IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[FK_ManyTable_OneTable]') AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ManyTable]') ) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ManyTable] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_ManyTable_OneTable] FOREIGN KEY([OneId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[OneTable] ([OneId]) GO --let's get a value in here insert into OneTable(OneId) values(1) select* from OneTable --let's try creating a valid relationship to the FK table OneTable insert into ManyTable(OneId) values (1) --fine --now,let's try NULL insert into ManyTable(OneId) values (NULL) --also fine --how about a non-existent OneTable entry? insert into ManyTable(OneId) values (5) --BOOM! - FK violation select* from ManyTable --1,1 --2,NULL --cleanup ALTER TABLE ManyTable DROP CONSTRAINT FK_ManyTable_OneTable GO drop TABLE OneTable GO drop TABLE ManyTable GO USE [Master] GO DROP DATABASE NullableFKTest