Error: There are no Primary or Candidate Keys in the referenced table
‘dbo.Customers’ that match the referencing column list in the foreign
key ‘FK_Reservation_Customers_FrstNme FOREIGN KEY’
DROP TABLE dbo.Customers; DROP TABLE dbo.Staff; DROP TABLE dbo.Rooms; DROP TABLE dbo.Reservation; GO CREATE TABLE "Customers"( CustomerID int IDENTITY (1,1) NOT NULL,FirstName nvarchar(20) NULL,LastName nvarchar(20) NULL,StreetNo int NULL,City nvarchar(20) NULL,PostCode nvarchar(20) NULL,Email nvarchar(50) NULL,CONSTRAINT PK_Customers PRIMARY KEY ( CustomerID ) ) CREATE TABLE "Staff"( StaffID nvarchar(20) NOT NULL,Pass nvarchar(20) NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT PK_Staff PRIMARY KEY ( StaffID ) ) CREATE TABLE "Rooms"( RoomNo int NOT NULL,RoomType nvarchar(20) NULL,PricePerNight money NULL,MaximumOccupancy int NULL,No0fBeds int NULL,NoOfBathrooms int NULL,Entertainment bit NULL,RoomService bit NULL,Gym bit NULL,CONSTRAINT PK_Rooms PRIMARY KEY ( RoomNo ) ) CREATE TABLE "Reservation"( ReservationID int IDENTITY (1,CustomerID int NOT NULL,RoomNo int NOT NULL,CheckInDate date NULL,CheckOutDate date NULL,CONSTRAINT PK_Reservation PRIMARY KEY ( ReservationID ),CONSTRAINT FK_Reservation_Customers_CustID FOREIGN KEY ( CustomerID ) REFERENCES dbo.Customers ( CustomerID ),CONSTRAINT FK_Reservation_Customers_FrstNme FOREIGN KEY ( FirstName ) REFERENCES dbo.Customers ( FirstName ) )