The background:
Think of an application that lets people make surveys with custom questions,In a particular case,interview families,An
interviewer goes toHouse 1
and interviews two membersMember 1
andMember 2
. He asks questions like. What is this house
address?,What is your name and age?. The answers for
that is common for the Members and the answers that are specific for
them are stored in the same table
| ID | ADDRESS | MEMBER | AGE | SubformIteration | |----|---------|----------|--------|-------------------| | 1 | HOUSE 1 | (null) | (null) | (null) | | 1 | (null) | MEMBER h | 18 | s0 | | 1 | (null) | MEMBER i | 19 | s1 | | 2 | HOUSE 2 | (null) | (null) | (null) | | 2 | (null) | MEMBER x | 36 | s0 | | 2 | (null) | MEMBER y | 35 | s1 | | 3 | HOUSE 3 | (null) | (null) | (null) | | 3 | (null) | MEMBER a | 18 | s0 | | 3 | (null) | MEMBER b | 19 | s1 |
| ID | ADDRESS | MEMBER | AGE | SubformIteration | |----|---------|----------|--------|-------------------| | 1 | HOUSE 1 | MEMBER 1 | 18 | s0 | | 1 | HOUSE 1 | MEMBER 2 | 19 | s1 | | 2 | HOUSE 2 | MEMBER x | 36 | s0 | | 2 | HOUSE 2 | MEMBER y | 35 | s1 | | 3 | HOUSE 3 | MEMBER a | 18 | s0 | | 3 | HOUSE 3 | MEMBER b | 19 | s1 |
Sql fiddle link with all the below tables
+------------+--------------+---------+----------+---------------+ | QuestionID | QuestionText | type | SurveyID | IsIncremental | +------------+--------------+---------+----------+---------------+ | 3483 | subform | subform | 311 | 1 | | 3484 | MEMBER | text | 311 | 0 | | 3485 | AGE | number | 311 | 0 | | 3486 | ADDRESS | address | 311 | 0 | +------------+--------------+---------+----------+---------------+
+----------+-------------------------+----------+ | ResultID | DateSubmitted | SurveyID | +----------+-------------------------+----------+ | 2272 | 2017-04-12 05:11:41.477 | 311 | | 2273 | 2017-04-12 05:12:22.227 | 311 | | 2274 | 2017-04-12 05:13:02.227 | 311 | +----------+-------------------------+----------+
+---------+------------+----------+------------+------------------+ | ChunkID | Answer | ResultID | QuestionID | SubFormIteration | +---------+------------+----------+------------+------------------+ | 9606 | HOUSE 1 | 2272 | 3486 | NULL | | 9607 | MEMEBER 1 | 2272 | 3484 | NULL | | 9608 | 12 | 2272 | 3485 | NULL | | 9609 | MEMBER 2 | 2272 | 3484 | s1 | | 9610 | 10 | 2272 | 3485 | s1 | | 9611 | MEMEBER 1 | 2272 | 3484 | s0 | | 9612 | 12 | 2272 | 3485 | s0 | | 9613 | MEMBER 2 | 2272 | 3484 | s1 | | 9614 | 10 | 2272 | 3485 | s1 | | 9615 | HOUSE 2 | 2273 | 3486 | NULL | | 9616 | MEMBER A | 2273 | 3484 | NULL | | 9617 | 23 | 2273 | 3485 | NULL | | 9618 | MEMBER B | 2273 | 3484 | s1 | | 9619 | 25 | 2273 | 3485 | s1 | | 9620 | MEMBER A | 2273 | 3484 | s0 | | 9621 | 23 | 2273 | 3485 | s0 | | 9622 | MEMBER B | 2273 | 3484 | s1 | | 9623 | 25 | 2273 | 3485 | s1 | | 9624 | HOUSE 3 | 2274 | 3486 | NULL | | 9625 | MEMBER K | 2274 | 3484 | NULL | | 9626 | 41 | 2274 | 3485 | NULL | | 9627 | MEMBER J | 2274 | 3484 | s1 | | 9628 | 26 | 2274 | 3485 | s1 | | 9629 | MEMBER K | 2274 | 3484 | s0 | | 9630 | 41 | 2274 | 3485 | s0 | | 9631 | MEMBER J | 2274 | 3484 | s1 | | 9632 | 26 | 2274 | 3485 | s1 | +---------+------------+----------+------------+------------------+
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ResultForSurvey] @SurveyID int AS DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX),@query AS NVARCHAR(MAX),@colsAggregated as nvarchar(max); IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#Temp','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Temp; SELECT * INTO #Temp FROM (Select Answer=( case When Questions.type='checkBoxes' or Questions.IsIncremental=1 THEN STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + c.Answer FROM Chunks c Where c.ResultID=Results.ResultID and c.QuestionID=Questions.QuestionID and (Chunks.SubFormIteration IS NULL ) FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE ).value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,'') else Chunks.Answer end),Chunks.SubFormIteration,Questions.QuestionText,Questions.type,Questions.QuestionID,Chunks.ResultID,Results.ResultID as Action,Results.DateSubmitted,Results.Username,Results.SurveyID from Chunks Join Questions on Questions.QuestionID= Chunks.QuestionID Join Results on Results.ResultID=Chunks.ResultID Where Results.SurveyID=@SurveyID) as X SET @colsAggregated = STUFF((SELECT distinct ','+ 'max('+ QUOTENAME(c.QuestionText)+') as '+ QUOTENAME(c.QuestionText) FROM #Temp c FOR XML PATH(''),'') print @colsAggregated SET @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(c.QuestionText) FROM #Temp c FOR XML PATH(''),'') set @query = 'SELECT ResultID,max(Username) as Username,max(DateSubmitted) as DateSubmitted,max(SubFormIteration) as SubFormIteration,' + @colsAggregated + ' from ( select * from #Temp ) as y pivot ( max(Answer) for QuestionText in (' + @cols + ') ) as p GROUP BY ResultID,SubFormIteration' execute(@query)
SELECT h1.Id,h2.Address,h1.Member,h1.Age,h1.MemberNo FROM House h1 INNER JOIN House h2 ON h1.Id = h2.Id WHERE h2.Address IS NOT NULL -- Eliminates the results whre the Address is NULL after the join AND h1.Member IS NOT NULL -- Eliminates the results that would show up from the original table (t1) where there is no Member field
DROP TABLE #Questions DROP TABLE #Results DROP TABLE #Chunks CREATE TABLE #Questions ( QuestionId INT,QuestionText VARCHAR(MAX),type VARCHAR(MAX),SurveyID INT,IsIncremental INT ) CREATE TABLE #Results ( ResultId INT,DateSubmitted DATETIME,SurveyID INT ) CREATE TABLE #Chunks ( ChunkId INT,Answer VARCHAR(MAX),ResultId INT,QuestionId INT,SubFormIteration VARCHAR(20) ) INSERT INTO #Results VALUES (2272,'04-12-2017',311),(2273,(2274,311) INSERT INTO #Chunks VALUES (9606,'WhiteHouse',2272,3486,NULL),(9607,'MEMBER 1',3484,(9608,'12',3485,(9609,'MEMBER 2','s1'),(9610,'10',(9611,'s0'),(9612,(9613,(9614,(9615,'RpBhavan',2273,(9618,'MEMBER B',(9619,'25',(9620,'MEMBER A',(9621,'23','s0') INSERT INTO #Questions VALUES (3483,'subform',311,1),( 3484,'MEMBER','text',0 ),(3485,'AGE','number',0),(3486,'ADDRESS','address',0)
; WITH Responses AS ( SELECT c.ResultId,QuestionText,Answer,c.SubFormIteration FROM #Chunks c INNER JOIN #Results r ON c.ResultId = r.ResultId INNER JOIN #Questions q ON q.QuestionId = c.QuestionId WHERE c.SubFormIteration IS NOT NULL -- Removes the "Address" responses and duplicate Answers ),FindAddress AS ( -- Pulls ONLY the address for each ResultId SELECT ResultId,MAX(CASE WHEN QuestionText = 'ADDRESS' THEN Answer END) AS [Address] FROM #Chunks c INNER JOIN #Questions q ON q.QuestionId = c.QuestionId GROUP BY ResultId ) -- Combines all responses and the address back together SELECT r.ResultId,fa.Address,MAX(CASE WHEN QuestionText = 'MEMBER' THEN Answer END) AS [MEMBER],MAX(CASE WHEN QuestionText = 'AGE' THEN Answer END) AS [Age],SubFormIteration FROM Responses r INNER JOIN FindAddress fa ON fa.ResultId = r.ResultId GROUP BY r.ResultId,SubFormIteration,fa.Address
MAX(CASE …)后跟GROUP BY是使用PIVOTS的替代方法,它们基本上执行相同.