The insert Failed. It conflicted with an identity range check
constraint in database ‘xxx’,replicated table ‘dbo.yyy’,column
‘yyy_id’. If the identity column is automatically managed by
replication,update the range as follows: for the Publisher,execute
sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange; for the Subscriber,run the
Distribution Agent or the Merge Agent.
For example,the Publisher could be
assigned the range 1-100,Subscriber A
the range 101-200,and Subscriber B
the range 201-300. If a row is
inserted at the Publisher and the
identity value is,for example,65,
that value is replicated to each
Subscriber. When replication inserts
data at each Subscriber,it does not
increment the identity column value in
the Subscriber table; instead,the
literal value 65 is inserted. Only
user inserts,but not replication
agent inserts cause the identity
column value to be incremented.