Operation | Object | Order | Rows | Bytes | Projection ----------------------------+---------+-------+------+-------+------------- TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | PROD | 7 | 2M | 28M | PROD.VALUE INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | PROD_PK | 6 | 1 | | PROD.ROWID
这是一个更大的执行计划的摘录.本质上,我正在使用表的主键访问(加入)一个表.通常,还有另一个表ACCO与ACCO.PROD_ID = PROD.ID,其中PROD_PK是PROD.ID的主键.显然,可以使用独特的扫描程序来访问表格,但一旦我在表上有一些愚蠢的投影,就好像整个表格(大约200万行)都被计划在内存中读取.我得到了很多I / O和缓冲区.当我从更大的查询中删除投影时,问题消失了:
Operation | Object | Order | Rows | Bytes | Projection ----------------------------+---------+-------+------+-------+------------- TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | PROD | 7 | 1 | 8 | PROD.ID INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | PROD_PK | 6 | 1 | | PROD.ROWID
-- products have a value create table prod as select level as id,10 as value from dual connect by level < 100000; alter table prod add constraint prod_pk primary key (id); -- some products are accounts create table acco as select level as id,level as prod_id from dual connect by level < 50000; alter table acco add constraint acco_pk primary key (id); alter table acco add constraint acco_prod_fk foreign key (prod_id) references prod (id); -- accounts have transactions with values create table trxs as select level as id,mod(level,10) + 1 as acco_id,17) + 1 as value from dual connect by level < 100000; alter table trxs add constraint trxs_pk primary key (id); alter table trxs add constraint trxs_acco_fk foreign key (acco_id) references acco (id); create index acco_i on acco(prod_id); create index trxs_i on trxs(acco_id); alter table acco modify prod_id not null; alter table trxs modify acco_id not null;
select v2.* from ( select -- This calculates the balance for every transaction as a -- running total,subtracting trxs.value from the product's value -- -- This is the "projection" I mentioned that causes I/O. Leaving it -- away (setting it to 0),would improve the execution plan prod.value - v1.total balance,acco.id acco_id from ( select acco_id,sum(value) over (partition by acco_id order by id rows between unbounded preceding and current row) total from trxs ) v1 join acco on v1.acco_id = acco.id join prod on acco.prod_id = prod.id ) v2 -- This is the single-row access predicate. From here,it is -- clear that there can only be 1 acco and 1 prod where v2.acco_id = 1;
我找到了一个workaround for this issue.但是我真的很感兴趣的是解释出了什么问题,以及如何可以纠正这个问题,而不用改变查询太多
好的,经过更多的分析,我不得不说,实际有问题的I / O是由于错误的索引被用于其他地方.不幸的是,在总体统计(或执行计划)中预测的这个数字还不够好.
就这个问题而言,我仍然对执行计划中的预计I / O感到好奇,因为这似乎混淆了我们的DBA(和我)一次又一次.有时,它真的是I / O问题的根源…
select -- Explicitly project value in a nested loop. This seems to be much cheaper -- in this specific case (select value from prod where id = v2.prod_id) - v2.balance,v2.acco_id from ( select -- Now,balance is only a running total,not the running total -- added to PROD.VALUE v1.total balance,acco.id acco_id,acco.prod_id prod_id from ( select acco_id,sum(value) over (partition by acco_id order by id rows between unbounded preceding and current row) total from trxs ) v1 -- The JOIN of PROD is no longer needed join acco on v1.acco_id = acco.id ) v2 where v2.acco_id = 1;
但是我仍然不明白为什么Oracle会在其执行计划中投入太多的I / O,如果我在此查询中加入了prod …