sql – Reporting Services订阅不允许修改To:Field

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了sql – Reporting Services订阅不允许修改To:Field前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我有一个小问题让我头疼.我们的报表服务器是Win 2008服务器上的sql Ent 2008.当具有“报表浏览器”权限的用户尝试设置报表订阅时,“收件人:”字段将显示为灰色,并预填充其用户名.他们不能改变它,它不会传递到他们的电子邮件地址,这将是username@domain.com.任何潜在客户都将不胜感激.



他们只能“管理个人订阅”. SSRS不允许更改电子邮件地址,因为他们可以在其中放置任何东西.

在BOL,Managing Subscriptions …和How to: Subscribe to a Report (Report Manager),导致Configuring a Report Server for E-Mail Delivery.这说:

Configuration Options for Setting the
To: Field in a Message

User-defined subscriptions that are
created according to the permissions
granted by the Manage individual
subscriptions task contain a pre-set
user name that is based on the domain
user account. When the user creates
the subscription,the recipient name
in the To: field is self-addressed
using the domain user account of the
person creating the subscription.

If you are using an SMTP server or
forwarder that uses e-mail accounts
that are different from the domain
user account,the report delivery will
fail when the SMTP server tries to
deliver the report to that user.

To workaround this issue,you can
modify configuration settings that
allow users to enter a name in the To:

  1. Open RSReportServer.config with a text editor.
  2. Set SendEmailToUserAlias to False.
  3. Set DefaultHostName to the Domain Name System (DNS) name or IP
    address of the SMTP server or
  4. Save the file.
