sql Server
XML Schema Collection是一个有趣的概念,我发现在设计动态数据内容时非常有用.然而,当我通过实现模式集合工作,我觉得很难维护它们.
模式集合DDL仅允许CREATE和ALTER / ADD节点到现有方案.
CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION [ <relational_schema>. ]sql_identifier AS 'XSD Content' ALTER XML SCHEMA COLLECTION [ <relational_schema>. ]sql_identifier ADD 'Schema Component'
>如果分配给表列的模式集合,则必须使用alter table从该列中删除模式集合关联
这个脚本可能有帮助.它会生成您需要的桌面下降和添加.它需要修改为包括可能引用XML模式的UDF或其他对象.要生成添加模式语句,我建议您在Mgt Studio的任务菜单中使用“生成脚本…”功能,并将其保存在脚本的步骤2中.
SET NOCOUNT ON /* 1) Save cols to table var */ DECLARE @xmlCols TABLE ( numID INTEGER IDENTITY(1,1),TBL nvarchar(1024),COL nvarchar(1024),SCH nvarchar(1024) ); insert into @xmlCols (TBL,COL,SCH) SELECT DISTINCT OBJECT_NAME(colm.object_id) AS 'TABLE',colm.name AS 'COLUMN',coll.name AS 'Schema' FROM sys.columns colm inner JOIN sys.xml_schema_collections coll ON colm.xml_collection_id = coll.xml_collection_id ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME(colm.object_id),colm.name DECLARE @lastRow as int DECLARE @currentRow as int DECLARE @dbName as varchar(1024) DECLARE @tableName as varchar(1024) DECLARE @colName as varchar(1024) DECLARE @schemaName as varchar(1024) SET @lastRow = @@ROWCOUNT SET @currentRow = @lastRow SET @dbName = 'dbNAme' print '' print '--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' print '--!!!!! Scipt Schemas and Save in Mgt Studio !!!!' print '--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' print '' print '' print '--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' print '--!!!!! Omit Schemas from COls !!!!' print '--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' print '' --omit the Schema for each column WHILE @currentRow <> 0 BEGIN SELECT @tableName=TBL,@colName=COL,@schemaName=SCH from @xmlCols WHERE numID = @currentRow print N'ALTER TABLE [' + @tableName + N'] ALTER COLUMN ['+ @colName + N'] XML' set @currentRow = @currentRow -1 END print '' print '--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' print '--!!!!! drop your xml schema(s) !!!!' print '--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' print '' SET @currentRow = @lastRow WHILE @currentRow <> 0 BEGIN SELECT @tableName=TBL,@schemaName=SCH from @xmlCols WHERE numID = @currentRow print N'DROP XML SCHEMA COLLECTION [dbo].['+@schemaName+']' set @currentRow = @currentRow -1 END print '' print '--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' print '--!!!!! CLean your Tables !!!!' print '--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' print '' --clean up the tables SET @currentRow = @lastRow WHILE @currentRow <> 0 BEGIN SELECT @tableName=TBL,@schemaName=SCH from @xmlCols WHERE numID = @currentRow print N'DBCC CleanTable (''' + @dbName + N''',''' + @tableName + N''',0)' set @currentRow = @currentRow -1 END print '' print '--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' print '--!!!!! Run XML Schema Scripts !!!!' print '--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' print '' SET @currentRow = @lastRow WHILE @currentRow <> 0 BEGIN SELECT @tableName=TBL,@schemaName=SCH from @xmlCols WHERE numID = @currentRow print N'ALTER TABLE [' + @tableName + N'] ALTER COLUMN ['+ @colName + N'] XML('+ @schemaName + N')''' set @currentRow = @currentRow -1 END