sql – 可以重用子查询吗?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了sql – 可以重用子查询吗?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


table [ id,name ]

 table2 [ id,type,value ]


result [id,name,Column1,Column2,Column3,Column4]



      a.id,a.name,(select min(value) from table2 t where t.id = subquery.id and t.type = 1 group by t.type) as Column1,(select min(value) from table2 t where t.id = subquery.id and t.type = 2 group by t.type) as Column2,(select min(value) from table2 t where t.id = subquery.id and t.type = 3 group by t.type) as Column3,(select min(value) from table2 t where t.id = subquery.id and t.type = 4 group by t.type) as Column4
      (SELECT distinct id
       FROM table2 t
       WHERE (t.type in (1,4))
             AND t.value between '2010-01-01' and '2010-01-07') as subquery
       LEFT JOIN table a ON a.id = subquery.id


with minima as (select t.id,t.type,min(value) min_value
                from table2 t
                where t.type in (1,4)
                group by t.id,t.type)
select a.id,(select min_value from minima where minima.id = subquery.id and minima.type = 1) as column1,(select min_value from minima where minima.id = subquery.id and minima.type = 2) as column2,(select min_value from minima where minima.id = subquery.id and minima.type = 3) as column3,(select min_value from minima where minima.id = subquery.id and minima.type = 4) as column4
from (select distinct id from table2 t where t.type in (1,4) and t.value between '2010-01-01' and '2010-01-07') as subquery
     left join a on a.id = subquery.id



select xx.id,xx.column1,xx.column2,xx.column3,xx.column4
from (
      select id,max(case type when 1 then min_value end) as column1,max(case type when 2 then min_value end) as column2,max(case type when 3 then min_value end) as column3,max(case type when 4 then min_value end) as column4
      from (select t.id,min(value) min_value
            from table2 t
            where t.type in (1,4)
            group by t.id,t.type) minima
      group by id
) xx left join a on a.id = xx.id
order by 1
