sql-server-ce – 在多用户场景下的SQL Server CE – 这真的是真的很愚蠢吗?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了sql-server-ce – 在多用户场景下的SQL Server CE – 这真的是真的很愚蠢吗?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我正在尝试使用sql Server Compact Edition 3.5作为销售应用程序的数据库后端.将有3-4个 Windows Forms应用程序的安装,所有这些应用程序将通过LINQ2sql读取并写入位于网络共享上的一个.sdf文件.

我的(非常深入的)测试表明这可能是可行的. Documentation表示sql Server CE最多支持256个连接. Does SQL Server CE even lock its rows?还有其他并发问题,我应该担心吗?

底线是,有没有人使用sql Server CE成功连接多个应用程序连接到同一个数据库

我应该用自己的头痛和sql Server Express一起去吗?


MS建议(来自Darian Miller的 comparison guide):

When you require data service
functionality,such as the ability to
support multiple,remote users,you
should start with sql Server Express
Edition and work up the data service
family tree.



SSCE allows multiple connections to
the same database (.sdf file) from the
same application or even multiple
applications on the same computer.
This gives you more freedom to
structure your application as needed,
such as allowing the user to continue
to interact with data while performing
synchronization with a back-end
database,or to have multiple
applications on the same machine share
an SSCE data store. Transactional
concurrency locks are made by the
database engine to prevent concurrent
connections from accessing the same
records at the same time. The
technical limit on concurrent
connections for a single database is
256,but 70-80 is a better practical
limit from a performance perspective.

