=> \d routing_details Table "public.routing_details" Column | Type | Modifiers ----------+-----------+----------- asn | text | netblock | text | range | int8range | Indexes: "idx_routing_details_netblock" btree (netblock) "idx_routing_details_range" gist (range) => \d netblock_details Table "public.netblock_details" Column | Type | Modifiers ------------+-----------+----------- range | int8range | name | text | country | text | source | text | Indexes: "idx_netblock_details_range" gist (range)
我想出了两个不同的查询,我认为会返回准确的数据,一个使用窗口函数,一个使用DISTINCT ON:
EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT ON (r.netblock) * FROM routing_details r JOIN netblock_details n ON r.range <@ n.range ORDER BY r.netblock,upper(n.range) - lower(n.range); QUERY PLAN QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unique (cost=118452809778.47..118477166326.22 rows=581300 width=91) Output: r.asn,r.netblock,r.range,n.range,n.name,n.country,((upper(n.range) - lower(n.range))) -> Sort (cost=118452809778.47..118464988052.34 rows=4871309551 width=91) Output: r.asn,((upper(n.range) - lower(n.range))) Sort Key: r.netblock,((upper(n.range) - lower(n.range))) -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..115920727265.53 rows=4871309551 width=91) Output: r.asn,(upper(n.range) - lower(n.range)) Join Filter: (r.range <@ n.range) -> Seq Scan on public.routing_details r (cost=0.00..11458.96 rows=592496 width=43) Output: r.asn,r.range -> Materialize (cost=0.00..277082.12 rows=8221675 width=48) Output: n.range,n.country -> Seq Scan on public.netblock_details n (cost=0.00..163712.75 rows=8221675 width=48) Output: n.range,n.country (14 rows) -> Seq Scan on netblock_details n (cost=0.00..163712.75 rows=8221675 width=48) EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY r.range ORDER BY UPPER(n.range) - LOWER(n.range)) AS rank FROM routing_details r JOIN netblock_details n ON r.range <@ n.range ) a WHERE rank = 1 ORDER BY netblock; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sort (cost=118620775630.16..118620836521.53 rows=24356548 width=99) Output: a.asn,a.netblock,a.range,a.range_1,a.name,a.country,a.rank Sort Key: a.netblock -> Subquery Scan on a (cost=118416274956.83..118611127338.87 rows=24356548 width=99) Output: a.asn,a.rank Filter: (a.rank = 1) -> WindowAgg (cost=118416274956.83..118550235969.49 rows=4871309551 width=91) Output: r.asn,row_number() OVER (?),((upper(n.range) - lower(n.range))),r.range -> Sort (cost=118416274956.83..118428453230.71 rows=4871309551 width=91) Output: ((upper(n.range) - lower(n.range))),r.asn,n.country Sort Key: r.range,((upper(n.range) - lower(n.range))) -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..115884192443.90 rows=4871309551 width=91) Output: (upper(n.range) - lower(n.range)),n.country Join Filter: (r.range <@ n.range) -> Seq Scan on public.routing_details r (cost=0.00..11458.96 rows=592496 width=43) Output: r.asn,r.range -> Materialize (cost=0.00..277082.12 rows=8221675 width=48) Output: n.range,n.country -> Seq Scan on public.netblock_details n (cost=0.00..163712.75 rows=8221675 width=48) Output: n.range,n.country (20 rows)
DISTINCT ON看起来效率稍高,所以我进行了一次.当我针对完整数据集运行查询时,在大约24小时的等待之后,我会发现磁盘空间错误.我创建了一个routing_details_small表,其中包含完整routing_details表的N行的子集,以尝试了解发生了什么.
N = 1000
=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT DISTINCT ON (r.netblock) * -> FROM routing_details_small r JOIN netblock_details n ON r.range <@ n.range -> ORDER BY r.netblock,upper(n.range) - lower(n.range); QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unique (cost=4411888.68..4453012.20 rows=999 width=90) (actual time=124.094..133.720 rows=999 loops=1) -> Sort (cost=4411888.68..4432450.44 rows=8224705 width=90) (actual time=124.091..128.560 rows=4172 loops=1) Sort Key: r.netblock,((upper(n.range) - lower(n.range))) Sort Method: external sort Disk: 608kB -> Nested Loop (cost=0.41..1780498.29 rows=8224705 width=90) (actual time=0.080..101.518 rows=4172 loops=1) -> Seq Scan on routing_details_small r (cost=0.00..20.00 rows=1000 width=42) (actual time=0.007..1.037 rows=1000 loops=1) -> Index Scan using idx_netblock_details_range on netblock_details n (cost=0.41..1307.55 rows=41124 width=48) (actual time=0.063..0.089 rows=4 loops=1000) Index Cond: (r.range <@ range) Total runtime: 134.999 ms (9 rows)
N = 100000
=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT DISTINCT ON (r.netblock) * -> FROM routing_details_small r JOIN netblock_details n ON r.range <@ n.range -> ORDER BY r.netblock,upper(n.range) - lower(n.range); QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unique (cost=654922588.98..659034941.48 rows=200 width=144) (actual time=28252.677..29487.380 rows=98992 loops=1) -> Sort (cost=654922588.98..656978765.23 rows=822470500 width=144) (actual time=28252.673..28926.703 rows=454856 loops=1) Sort Key: r.netblock,((upper(n.range) - lower(n.range))) Sort Method: external merge Disk: 64488kB -> Nested Loop (cost=0.41..119890431.75 rows=822470500 width=144) (actual time=0.079..24951.038 rows=454856 loops=1) -> Seq Scan on routing_details_small r (cost=0.00..1935.00 rows=100000 width=96) (actual time=0.007..110.457 rows=100000 loops=1) -> Index Scan using idx_netblock_details_range on netblock_details n (cost=0.41..725.96 rows=41124 width=48) (actual time=0.067..0.235 rows=5 loops=100000) Index Cond: (r.range <@ range) Total runtime: 29596.667 ms (9 rows)
N = 250000
=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT DISTINCT ON (r.netblock) * -> FROM routing_details_small r JOIN netblock_details n ON r.range <@ n.range -> ORDER BY r.netblock,upper(n.range) - lower(n.range); QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unique (cost=1651822953.55..1662103834.80 rows=200 width=144) (actual time=185835.443..190143.266 rows=247655 loops=1) -> Sort (cost=1651822953.55..1656963394.18 rows=2056176250 width=144) (actual time=185835.439..188779.279 rows=1103850 loops=1) Sort Key: r.netblock,((upper(n.range) - lower(n.range))) Sort Method: external merge Disk: 155288kB -> Nested Loop (cost=0.28..300651962.46 rows=2056176250 width=144) (actual time=19.325..177403.913 rows=1103850 loops=1) -> Seq Scan on netblock_details n (cost=0.00..163743.05 rows=8224705 width=48) (actual time=0.007..8160.346 rows=8224705 loops=1) -> Index Scan using idx_routing_details_small_range on routing_details_small r (cost=0.28..22.16 rows=1250 width=96) (actual time=0.018..0.018 rows=0 loops=8224705) Index Cond: (range <@ n.range) Total runtime: 190413.912 ms (9 rows)
我会在这里重复Erwin Brandstetter的查询:
SELECT * -- only select columns you need to make it faster FROM routing_details r,LATERAL ( SELECT * FROM netblock_details n WHERE n.ip_min <= r.ip_min AND n.ip_max >= r.ip_max ORDER BY n.ip_max - n.ip_min LIMIT 1 ) n;
CREATE INDEX netblock_details_ip_min_max_idx ON netblock_details (ip_min,ip_max DESC NULLS LAST);
您可以快速(在O(logN)中)在netblock_details表中找到扫描的起始点 – 最小n.ip_min小于r.ip_min,或最小n.ip_max大于r.ip_max.但是,您必须扫描/读取索引/表的其余部分,并且对于每一行执行检查的第二部分并过滤出大部分行.
换句话说,此索引有助于快速找到满足第一搜索条件的起始行:n.ip_min <= r.ip_min,但是您将继续阅读满足此条件的所有行,并且对于每个此类行执行第二行检查n.ip_max> = r.ip_max.平均(如果数据均匀分布),您必须读取netblock_details表的一半行.优化器可以选择使用索引首先搜索n.ip_max> = r.ip_max,然后应用第二个过滤器n.ip_min< = r.ip_min,但不能使用此索引将两个过滤器应用于一起. 最终结果:
对于route_details中的每一行,我们将从netblock_details读取一半行. 600K * 4M = 2,400,000,000行.
是笛卡尔乘积的2倍.您可以在问题中的EXPLAIN ANALYZE的输出中看到这个数字(笛卡尔乘积).
592,496 * 8,221,675 = 4,871,309,550,800
CREATE TABLE routing_details ( ID int,ip_min int8,ip_max int8,asn text,netblock text ); CREATE TABLE netblock_details ( ID int,name text,country text,source text ); SELECT netblock_details.ID AS n_ID,netblock_details.ip_max - netblock_details.ip_min AS n_length,r.ID AS r_ID FROM netblock_details INNER JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT routing_details.ID FROM routing_details WHERE routing_details.ip_min >= netblock_details.ip_min AND routing_details.ip_min <= netblock_details.ip_max -- note how routing_details.ip_min is limited from both sides -- this would make it possible to scan only (hopefully) small -- portion of the table instead of full or half table AND routing_details.ip_max <= netblock_details.ip_max -- this clause ensures that the whole routing range -- is inside the netblock range ) AS r ON true
在(r_ID,n_length,n_ID)上添加临时表的索引. n_ID也只是为了删除额外的查找.我们需要一个索引,避免为每个r_ID排序数据.
SELECT routing_details.*,t.n_ID,netblock_details.* FROM routing_details INNER JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT temp.n_ID FROM temp WHERE temp.r_ID = routing_details.ID ORDER BY temp.n_length LIMIT 1 ) AS t ON true INNER JOIN netblock_details ON netblock_details.ID = t.n_ID
这里子查询应该是寻找索引,而不是扫描.优化器应该足够聪明,只需要查找并返回第一个找到的结果,因为LIMIT 1,所以你将在6M行临时表中找到600K的索引.
|---| n1 |------------------| n2 |---------------| n3 |-----| n4 |------------------| n5 |--------------------------------------| n6 |---------------------------| n7 |-----| n8 |------------| r start end n.start <= r.start AND n.end >= r.end order by n.length limit 1
您的query that took 14 hours显示索引扫描需要6ms,但按范围长度排序需要80ms.
例如,如果结果返回n6是可行的,它可以工作得更快. n6是起始最大的覆盖范围:
n.start <= r.start AND n.end >= r.end order by n.start desc limit 1
n.start <= r.start AND n.end >= r.end order by n.end limit 1