sql-server – 加载到IIS Web服务器后的SQL Server连接超时

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了sql-server – 加载到IIS Web服务器后的SQL Server连接超时前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我们在 Windows 2008 r2上运行了MSsql 2008 R2,它被运行asp.net的2台服务器2008 r2 web服务器所击中.两者都连接到活动目录域,并使用集成身份验证连接到sql Server. IIS应用程序池上设置了用户名/密码.这在过去一年左右一直在完美运作.

我们最近想要启动新的Web服务器,并且我配置了一个运行完全相同网站的新Windows 2012 R2,并使用相同的用户名/密码配置了IIS应用程序池.当我进行测试时,该网站连接并运行良好.但是只要我将任何实际负载带到服务器上,我就会看到IIS开始挂起并请求开始堆积.

我拿了一个内存转储并在其上使用了新的DebugDiag 2.0分析,看到请求在打开sql连接时挂起:

This thread is trying to open a data base connection

The connection String is Data Source=;Failover Partner=;Initial Catalog=XXXX;Integrated
Security=True;Max Pool Size=6000;Connect Timeout=30;Network
Library=dbmssocn;Application Name=EntityFrameworkMUE and the
connection timeout is set to be 30 seconds.


Connection Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed while
attempting to consume the pre-login handshake acknowledgement. This
could be because the pre-login handshake Failed or the server was
unable to respond back in time. This failure occured while attempting
to connect to the Principle server. The duration spent while
attempting to connect to this server was – [Pre-Login]
initialization=3342; handshake=0;



