mysqldump,并熟悉它是如何工作的.有谁知道是否有类似的工具可以在sql Server数据库上使用.
我知道sql server可以备份它的数据库,但是如果可能的话我想把所有的sql insert语句都放到一个文本文件中.
[sql Dumper](主持人注意:由于受恶意软件侵扰的网站而删除了链接)
sql Server Dumper enables you to dump selected sql Server database tables into sql INSERT
statements,that are saved as local
.sql files and contain all the data
required to create a duplicate table,
or to be used for backup purposes. You
can choose to create an individual
.sql file for each table,or combine
all selected tables into a single
file.This program implements the following
special features:Foreign Keys order tables in text file in order to insert data without
colisions/errorsPrimary Key IDENTITY guarantees the value of the IDENTITY field Reference to itself eliminates the constraint and at the end create it