sql-server – 截断200GB表但未释放磁盘空间

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了sql-server – 截断200GB表但未释放磁盘空间前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


如果要引用卷上的实际数据库文件使用量,则sql Server不会自动处理该数据库文件.仅仅因为您从数据库删除数据并不意味着数据库文件将缩小以仅适合现有数据.

您要寻找的内容,如果您需要回收卷上的空间,将使用DBCC SHRINKFILE缩小特定文件.根据该文档,值得注意一些最佳实践:

Best Practices

Consider the following information when you plan to shrink a file:

  • A shrink operation is most effective after an operation that creates lots of unused space,such as a truncate table or a drop table operation.

  • Most databases require some free space to be available for regular day-to-day operations. If you shrink a database repeatedly and notice that the database size grows again,this indicates that the space that was shrunk is required for regular operations. In these cases,repeatedly shrinking the database is a wasted operation.

  • A shrink operation does not preserve the fragmentation state of indexes in the database,and generally increases fragmentation to a degree. This is another reason not to repeatedly shrink the database.

  • Shrink multiple files in the same database sequentially instead of concurrently. Contention on system tables can cause delays due to blocking.


DBCC SHRINKFILE operations can be stopped at any point in the process,and any completed work is retained.

这样做肯定有一些事情需要考虑,我建议你看看Paul Randal’s blog post,当你做这个操作时会发生什么.


use AdventureWorks2012;

;with db_file_cte as
        name,type_desc,physical_name,size_mb = 
            convert(decimal(11,2),size * 8.0 / 1024),space_used_mb = 
            convert(decimal(11,fileproperty(name,'spaceused') * 8.0 / 1024)
    from sys.database_files
    name,size_mb,space_used_mb,space_used_percent = 
        case size_mb
            when 0 then 0
            else convert(decimal(5,space_used_mb / size_mb * 100)
from db_file_cte;
