select d.*,l.* from sys.dm_tran_locks l join sys.databases d on l.resource_database_id = d.database_id where l.request_mode = 'X'
(X =独占,S =共享,IS =意图共享)见Lock Modes.
但可能最好的方法是打开Trace Flags 1204和1222:
Trace Flag 1204 and Trace Flag 1222
When deadlocks occur,trace flag 1204
and trace flag 1222 return information
that is captured in the sql Server
2005 error log. Trace flag 1204
reports deadlock information formatted
by each node involved in the deadlock.
Trace flag 1222 formats deadlock
information,first by processes and
then by resources. It is possible to
enable both trace flags to obtain two
representations of the same deadlock
参考:Detecting and Ending Deadlocks
另外,运行sp_who2并查找BlkBy(Blocked By)列中的条目;按照这些,直到你到达死锁链的头部.这是负责的进程标识符(或PID).
dbcc inputbuffer (@pid)
kill @pid
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另请阅读Blocking is not Deadlocking(区分两种情况)