几年前,作为sql wiz的开发人员有一个sql事务,它获取了信号量,如果得到它则返回true,如果没有得到它则返回false.然后在我处理结束时,我需要运行另一个sql事务来释放信号量.这很酷,但我不知道数据库支持的信号量是否有可能超时.超时是一个巨大的好处!
--------------------------------------------------------------------- --Setup --------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE "JOB_LOCKER" ( "JOB_NAME" VARCHAR2(128 BYTE),"LOCKED" VARCHAR2(1 BYTE),"UPDATE_TIME" TIMESTAMP (6) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "JOB_LOCKER_PK" ON "JOB_LOCKER" ("JOB_NAME") ; ALTER TABLE "JOB_LOCKER" ADD CONSTRAINT "JOB_LOCKER_PK" PRIMARY KEY ("JOB_NAME"); ALTER TABLE "JOB_LOCKER" MODIFY ("JOB_NAME" NOT NULL ENABLE); ALTER TABLE "JOB_LOCKER" MODIFY ("LOCKED" NOT NULL ENABLE); insert into job_locker (job_name,locked) values ('myjob','N'); commit; --------------------------------------------------------------------- --Execute at the beginning of the job --AUTOCOMMIT MUST BE OFF! --------------------------------------------------------------------- select * from job_locker where job_name='myjob' and locked = 'N' for update NOWAIT; --returns one record if it's ok. Otherwise returns ORA-00054. Any other thread attempting to get the record gets ORA-00054. update job_locker set locked = 'Y',update_time = sysdate where job_name = 'myjob'; --1 rows updated. Any other thread attempting to get the record gets ORA-00054. commit; --Any other thread attempting to get the record with locked = 'N' gets zero results. --You could have code to pull for that job name and locked = 'Y' and if still zero results,add the record. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --Execute at the end of the job --------------------------------------------------------------------- update job_locker set locked = 'N',update_time = sysdate where job_name = 'myjob'; --Any other thread attempting to get the record with locked = 'N' gets no results. commit; --One record returned to any other thread attempting to get the record with locked = 'N'. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --If the above 'end of the job' fails to run (system crash,etc) --The 'locked' entry would need to be changed from 'Y' to 'N' manually --You could have a periodic job to look for old timestamps and locked='Y' --to clear those. ---------------------------------------------------------------------