title part desc Blah This 1 This begins the Blah This 2 example table. Some Record 1 Hello Another 1 This text extends a bit Another 2 further so it is in Another 3 another record in the Another 4 table
在Access中,我希望构建一个查询/ sql到GROUP BY标题并连接desc字段,所以它看起来像这样:
title desc Blah This This begins the example table. Some Record Hello Another This text extends a bit further so it is in another record in the table
如何只用sql(没有VBA /脚本)来完成? FOR XML PATH似乎在Access中不起作用,只在sql Server中起作用.我在How to improve efficiency of this query & VBA?尝试了VBA,但它太慢了.