|Name | Hobbies | ----------------------------------- |Joe | Eating,Running,Golf | |Dafydd | Swimming,Coding,Gaming |
|Name | Hobby | ---------------------- |Joe | Eating | |Joe | Running | |Joe | Golf | |Dafydd | Swimming | |Dafydd | Coding | |Dafydd | Gaming |
我已经完成了下面的例子(例子已经准备好运行在SSMS),买我的解决方案使用我认为是丑陋的光标.有没有更好的方法呢?我在sql Server 2008 R2上,如果有什么新的,将帮助我.
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Split]') and xtype in (N'FN',N'IF',N'TF')) drop function [dbo].Split go CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Split (@sep char(1),@s varchar(512)) RETURNS table AS RETURN ( WITH Pieces(pn,start,stop) AS ( SELECT 1,1,CHARINDEX(@sep,@s) UNION ALL SELECT pn + 1,stop + 1,@s,stop + 1) FROM Pieces WHERE stop > 0 ) SELECT pn,SUBSTRING(@s,CASE WHEN stop > 0 THEN stop-start ELSE 512 END) AS s FROM Pieces ) go declare @inputtable table ( name varchar(200) not null,hobbies varchar(200) not null ) declare @outputtable table ( name varchar(200) not null,hobby varchar(200) not null ) insert into @inputtable values('Joe','Eating,Golf') insert into @inputtable values('Dafydd','Swimming,Gaming') select * from @inputtable declare inputcursor cursor for select name,hobbies from @inputtable open inputcursor declare @name varchar(255),@hobbiescsv varchar(255) fetch next from inputcursor into @name,@hobbiescsv while(@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) begin insert into @outputtable select @name,splithobbies.s from dbo.split(',',@hobbiescsv) splithobbies fetch next from inputcursor into @name,@hobbiescsv end close inputcursor deallocate inputcursor select * from @outputtable
CROSS APPLY执行基表中每行的功能.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnParseStringTsql] (@string NVARCHAR(MAX),@separator NCHAR(1)) RETURNS @parsedString TABLE (string NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS BEGIN DECLARE @position int SET @position = 1 SET @string = @string + @separator WHILE charindex(@separator,@string,@position) <> 0 BEGIN INSERT into @parsedString SELECT substring(@string,@position,charindex(@separator,@position) - @position) SET @position = charindex(@separator,@position) + 1 END RETURN END go declare @MyTable table ( Name char(10),Hobbies varchar(100) ) insert into @MyTable (Name,Hobbies) select 'Joe',Golf' union all select 'Dafydd',Gaming' select t.Name,p.String from @mytable t cross apply dbo.fnParseStringTsql(t.Hobbies,') p DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[fnParseStringTsql]