我在sql Server中有一个使用utf8 sql_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS编码的列.如何转换和保存ISO 8859-1编码的文本?我想在sql Server的查询中做一些事情.有小费吗?
Olá. Gostei do jogo. Quando “baixei” até achei que não iria curtir muito
CREATE TABLE #Table1 (Column1 varchar(max)) INSERT #Table1 VALUES ('Olá. Gostei do jogo. Quando "baixei" até achei que não iria curtir muito') SELECT *,NewColumn1 = dbo.DecodeUTF8String(Column1) FROM Table1 WHERE Column1 <> dbo.DecodeUTF8String(Column1)
Column1 ------------------------------- Olá. Gostei do jogo. Quando "baixei" até achei que não iria curtir muito NewColumn1 ------------------------------- Olá. Gostei do jogo. Quando "baixei" até achei que não iria curtir muito
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.DecodeUTF8String (@value varchar(max)) RETURNS nvarchar(max) AS BEGIN -- Transforms a UTF-8 encoded varchar string into Unicode -- By Anthony Faull 2014-07-31 DECLARE @result nvarchar(max); -- If ASCII or null there's no work to do IF (@value IS NULL OR @value NOT LIKE '%[^ -~]%' COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN ) RETURN @value; -- Generate all integers from 1 to the length of string WITH e0(n) AS (SELECT TOP(POWER(2,POWER(2,0))) NULL FROM (VALUES (NULL),(NULL)) e(n)),e1(n) AS (SELECT TOP(POWER(2,1))) NULL FROM e0 CROSS JOIN e0 e),e2(n) AS (SELECT TOP(POWER(2,2))) NULL FROM e1 CROSS JOIN e1 e),e3(n) AS (SELECT TOP(POWER(2,3))) NULL FROM e2 CROSS JOIN e2 e),e4(n) AS (SELECT TOP(POWER(2,4))) NULL FROM e3 CROSS JOIN e3 e),e5(n) AS (SELECT TOP(POWER(2.,5)-1)-1) NULL FROM e4 CROSS JOIN e4 e),numbers(position) AS ( SELECT TOP(DATALENGTH(@value)) ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) FROM e5 ) -- UTF-8 Algorithm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8) -- For each octet,count the high-order one bits,and extract the data bits.,octets AS ( SELECT position,highorderones,partialcodepoint FROM numbers a -- Split UTF8 string into rows of one octet each. CROSS APPLY (SELECT octet = ASCII(SUBSTRING(@value,position,1))) b -- Count the number of leading one bits CROSS APPLY (SELECT highorderones = 8 - FLOOR(LOG( ~CONVERT(tinyint,octet) * 2 + 1)/LOG(2))) c CROSS APPLY (SELECT databits = 7 - highorderones) d CROSS APPLY (SELECT partialcodepoint = octet % POWER(2,databits)) e ) -- Compute the Unicode codepoint for each sequence of 1 to 4 bytes,codepoints AS ( SELECT position,codepoint FROM ( -- Get the starting octect for each sequence (i.e. exclude the continuation bytes) SELECT position,partialcodepoint FROM octets WHERE highorderones <> 1 ) lead CROSS APPLY (SELECT sequencelength = CASE WHEN highorderones in (1,2,3,4) THEN highorderones ELSE 1 END) b CROSS APPLY (SELECT endposition = position + sequencelength - 1) c CROSS APPLY ( -- Compute the codepoint of a single UTF-8 sequence SELECT codepoint = SUM(POWER(2,shiftleft) * partialcodepoint) FROM octets CROSS APPLY (SELECT shiftleft = 6 * (endposition - position)) b WHERE position BETWEEN lead.position AND endposition ) d ) -- Concatenate the codepoints into a Unicode string SELECT @result = CONVERT(xml,( SELECT NCHAR(codepoint) FROM codepoints ORDER BY position FOR XML PATH('') )).value('.','nvarchar(max)'); RETURN @result; END GO